Eight Years and still fighting

Discussion Board Forums Survivor Stories Eight Years and still fighting

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    whoa like deadpoool … you are a inspiration


    Thank you so much for sharing your story. You are a warrior!


    Don’t know how I missed this post back in April but, WOW, what an incredible story! Such an inspiration for so many, and is a great example of why we should never give up hope!

    Blessings to you, John.



    Awesome story. I’m going to start my 5th tour of chemo tomorrow. The next day I turn 40. It’s been 2 years and 3 months. 3 surgeries. Still strong


    John, Keep inspiring! I was diagnosed 2008, and had 2 liver transplants and went 61/2 years cancer free! I now have been back in the fight for almost 2 years and when CC came back I was told 11/2 years?!! Thanks to great doctors, and power of prayers I am still here. I failed most of all the chemos and ended up back on Xeloda for the last year and that has kept me “no change”, still have several mets but nothing new for almost a year now!!
    Here is my story http://www.catherinedunnagan.com
    I grew up in Sunnyvale, CA and lived in Monterey before my Midwest move, so I loved seeing your hometown, spent many wonderful beach moments in Capitola and Santa Cruz!!
    Prayers for continue success and keep giving HOPE!!



    You are such an inspiration. I was sitting and balling over my mother’s disease recurrence and then decided to check in with my CC family. Your story made me cry even harder!!!…but happy tears this time. You have given me some hope. God bless and please let us know how you are doing;)



    Amazing process. How old are you Mr Thomas?


    This is truly incredible John! Wow! Thanks for sharing. Keep going and enjoy life.


    Wow John ! Your story is incredible and eight years of chemo touring is hard on more than your veins, You are true survivor and I am happy you are here sharing all you have been through. You should read Matt Rieddy’s story and how keytruda turned his chemo tour onto a rest stop. I am glad you are here to share and hopefully learn as well. Welcome to this incredible global group of people that are here for a common reason. Pat


    Dear John, You are a true Miracle and it is an honor to meet a warrior like you! Yes, you are blessed and we are excited to have you join our CC family and wishing you the very best on this, your 5th chemo journey! Wishing you success on this latest fight!

    John Thomas

    I joined this club in 2009, and am still here.  Marion kindly answered my inquiry regarding genome testing and asked if I would share my journey with others.
         While living in Capitola, Ca., I was diagnosed with ICC in March (Good Friday) 2009, confirmed by UCSF.  Referred to Stanford, inoperable, referred for Radiation / Chemo. Six weeks of Radiation/Xeloda, took a month off and followed with nine rounds of Gemzar.  Referred back to Stanford, still inoperable but ICC appeared in remission; followed up with monthly bloodwork and quarterly scans.
         February 2013, we moved back to Huntington Beach.  In April had a swollen right testicle, ultrasound revealed mass in left testicle, removed ,biopsy- Primary Seminoma, clean margins.  Referred to Dr. Imagawa ,UCI, for cholangiocarcinoma evaluation. in November failed the clearance for ERCP and was referred to Cardiologist for AFIB.  In December, unsuccessful ERCP-blocked bile duct. Followed up with Cardiologist, had DaVinci surgery for Mitral Valve and Maze procedure for AFIB, April 2014.
         In July 2014, had a swelling above left clavicle, ultrasound lymph node, two biopsies positive for adenocarcinoma, likely cholangio metastasis.  In August successful ERCP at UCI, three biopsies confirmed cholangio metastasis.  Referred for chemo. 
         September  started Gem/Cis, completed one round, and went to ER with right hand numbness, weakness – diagnosed with “Cluster” stroke. Restarted Warfarin and continued Chemo. Stopped Chemo in November as not effective, referred for CyberKnife due to location of lymph node, fiducial markers placed  in December. 
         February 2015, completed five sessions with CyberKnife; scan in May showed no active disease.
     January 2016 scan showed nodules in lungs, suspected cholangio metastasis.  Started Gem/Cis in February, completed six cycles; nodule size reduced, veins trashed, stopped chemo.  Bone scan in July showed no bone mets.  December 2016 scan showed increase in size and number of nodules, CA19 rising again.
         January 2017 submitted lymph node biopsies for  DNA analysis; not enough tissue for full analysis.  Submitted blood sample, no viable markers.
        Same game plan, FIGHT!!  Had a cath-port put in last week, now I am “locked and loaded”, ready for my fifth chemo “tour”.
        Wow, I just read all this and God is so good to me.  I am still alive to witness.  Romans 5:3-5 tells us that “suffering produces character, character produces perseverance, and perseverance produces hope”  Our hope is what keeps us going through the darkest hours.  God Bless Us All.

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