Elevated liver enzymes

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    Hi all,

    My liver enzymes have gone down to normal! Thanks for all your help.

    Now, back to dealing with those pesky proliferating peritoneal tumors.



    Great point about the mental toxins. That’s a key but can be the hardest to obtain on the down days.





    I found your comment on steamed veggies very interesting. I have been doing the Milk Thistle and many other supplements– along with juicing veggies and blendering fruits and veggies this last week (how many ways can you slip kale into your diet?). And paradoxically my liver enzymes have been even worst!

    So it may be that I should try doing all the supplements but concentrate more on lightly cooking my veggies. And no extra toxins for sure – mental and physical.




    I’ve used milk thistle as well, fish oil I also think is key for overall immune system help. Also juiced veggies are good nutritionally but not as easy to digest as steamed veggies according Chinese medicine. The idea is that the extra nutrients in the raw veggies may be lost with our difficulty digesting them well. Steamed or cooked veggies are much easier on our systems and therefore the net gain is better.
    I think one of the most important things with our livers is to try not to tax them any more then necessary. The drugs and chemo that many of us have had are sometimes toxic for the liver and just compounding that part of the problem but hopefully help in other ways. I am on a bile salt drug, Ursodiol, which does seem to have helped my liver numbers.
    Other then trying to eat well I do try to avoid toxins which the liver must filter out. I miss my glass of red wine but that’s surely worth it. Even tylenol is known to be hard on the liver. It’s all a question of balance in this game and we all have to weight the choices in lots of ways.
    Not much specific help here I know. As always we all want the non existent silver bullet. Be well, think good thoughts, love lots!



    Thanks again Mary and Merry Christmas to you!


    I’ve been giving my husband Solaray Milk Thistle -one daily. I like this because most other kinds require several pills a day and this simplifies things.I think the important thing is the amount of silymarin. The solaray is guaranteed 280 mg. or 80% silymarin and 350 mg. milk thistle which is what I guess I thought was the right amount. There is another Solaray product that is supposed to be absorbed more quickly and I did get that at one time but right now things are going well as far as liver enzymes. I think it was Thisilyn so you are probably right on. I don’t know about the liquid form. Good luck aand Merry Christmas. Mary



    I’m taking a Milk Thistle extract that this time, Nature’s Way Super Thisilyn– I wonder if I should try one of those liquid Milk Thistle extracts instead?

    Can you recommend a brand of beet root extract? Oh, never mind I see on your other post that I should look for Nature’s Way.



    I agree with Jeff. Milk Thistle helped my husband a lot. Be sure to get a good quality that has the recommended amounts of silymarin. Also check out foods that are recommended for liver health. One of the best is fresh pineapple. We eat some every day. I also am big on beet root extract. My husband couldn’t tolerate having beets juiced with his carrot juice when he first got sick so I started giving him beet root supplements. It’s the only thing that I have ever read that states it’s good for bile duct health.Good luck. I hope your #’s come down. Mary


    Thanks for your advice, Jeff.



    G— The only over the counter (WalMart) That could possibly help is MIlk Thistle. I use it myself as well as I believe Mary’s husband. Also at Health and foood Store the is something called Multi Enzyme Formula. “Things to stay away from is Sugar, alcohol, antibiotics, pain meds, acetaminphen.” Only other option I can think of is blood test to see what ever med you are for taking for pain and possibally changing it. That’s about all I know of that. It is mainly the liver really working hard to detox. Also try No Sugar, Al no preservative Sams Choice Grape Juice 120or 130% 12 oz glasses slowly drink off and on .Your body odor will tell you that detoxing is going on.
    Hope this is of some help.
    God Bless,


    Does anyone have any suggestions on lowering elevated liver enzyme levels?

    I have been paying more attention to my nutrition and having green drinks, but haven’t had any improvements yet.



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