Finishing up chemo radiation

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    Bail out? I have waited on radiation for a year and a half, so no giving up.

    How are you doing? Is that drain settling down? I have been thinking about you and your trip. Werent you going to visit your grandmother?



    Hi Kris,

    I’m up in Wisconsin until next week, and I’m sooo glad to hear that you’re going to have a break and get to go traveling too!

    Congratulations on finishing your treatment!! Nobody told me until after I was finished that a lot of people bail out on radiation. You’re a champ!




    Hi Kris,

    Glad to hear that you are tollerating this treatment well. And it sounds like you have great plans for the summer and I so hope that you can go to Germany! You deserve to have a great summer holiday!

    Best wishes,




    “I have only 6 more days chemo and 5 more radiation treatments.”

    But then… who’s counting, right? I remember when I was through with chemo and had my last radiation treatment ( I seriously thought I would glow in the dark). During my first visit with the Onc., he asked how I felt. “Euphoric!” was my response. Congratulations for getting through this stage! Germany this time of the year should be delightful.

    Grace, peace and prayers coming your direction.



    Hi Kris and all sounds pretty good. They just don’t know who they are dealing with! Keep up your good spirits and sounds like Germany may be just the reward you deserve. Always trhinking of you.



    I agree with the knowledge shared on this site. I am already storing up that list of “tools” to be used when I will need them. Where else could we get this kind of information, and the personal knowledge of how it works and helped others? Thanks.

    Linda Z.


    Kris, I hope you enjoy your summer break. I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. And it is great how we can share information on this site. I’m running out of tools in the toolbox, so it is good to know that I can come here and see what is working for other people.


    I have only 6 more days chemo and 5 more radiation treatments.

    Both my oncologist and radiation oncologist are very pleased with how I have tolerated the treatment. I am seriously tired and I get sick about 3 or 4 times a week but they said the treatment plan I am on is very tough and some people vomit several times daily and end up in the hospital. My doctor is so happy with how well I have tolerated it, she believes my tumors are well enough in check to give me a 2 month break. Her theory is that if the tumors were still growing, I would be more sick.

    So 2 months off. She wants me to rest, but I plan on going to Germany to travel a bit if I am up to it. I am a little nervous since I havent had high dose chemo since November and I am scared it is growing. But, a break would be nice and I have to trust her.

    She said after the scan we will talk about future options. She said back to chemo would be the first choice for a bit then we could discuss other treatment options as my body healed more from the radiation. Thanks to Rick and his mention of everolimus because that or possibly Tarceva (Thanks Houstonmom) will be added to the cocktail. Isnt it wonderful how our shared knowledge helps one another?


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