Frustrated with nursing home regarding blood tests

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    Good Morning! I just sent you an email through our system here, hope you get it!


    We just got out of the oncologist office, my mom is being hooked up for the second round of chemo now. The doctor informed us that the nursing home did not do the CA 19-9 and he said he is not happy at all about it. (he’s such a nice guy.) aargh! I’m so angry. The nurse from the oncologist called the nursing home on Monday and they said they would do it. More phone calls for me now! Yay. (not)

    Oh, and now the fire alarm is blaring in my ear.

    Thanks again for letting me vent. I don’t want my mom to see me grumpy right now. :)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day!


    Thanks Everyone! I was able to leave a message for the oncologist’s nurse and she called the nursing home and straightened it out. The nurse at the nursing home made it sound like they would be doing a favor to do the blood teat on Monday. Sheesh!

    My mom has been there for a long time now. This isn’t the first time we are having trouble with this place. It is a county run home, very large facility. It used to be an old county run hospital, now they do rehab and people live there. They even have a section where children live. Recently, the director got fired. There was a lot of community outrage for some of the issues that became public. Our family is well known at this place because we make a lot of noise. My sister-in-law is not shy to call and complain. The director didn’t like her one bit because she called so often to complain. They used to give my mom the strangest meals. Sometimes they would just put one small piece of fish on a plate. Nothing else. Sometimes I wonder if that was the directors doing, or the kitchen staff were just that incompetent.

    Lainy, I am so sorry to hear what your family had to go through. That is just so terrible and sad.


    Thanks Kris. Saddest thing is I had to sign a paper that I would not go public with this and with in a year this same Hospice dealt badly with 2 other patients. That almost killed me! I did advise the 2 different families to go to an attorney but never found out what happened. They may have done the same as with me and that was to settle as they did NOT want to go to court. Again the Home Hospice Nurses were just awesome.


    Ahh, Lainy I am so sorry that it happened that way for you. As a home health nurse (and home hospice if needed) I so very understand the importance of listening to and following what has worked for the family. It’s part of the reason I stopped working in nursing homes because sometimes their focus was on the wrong thing. I guess we are lucky in our area….while the company I work for doesn’t have an inpatient Hospice they have worked around that in several ways and there is a great one in a nearby community. The unfortunate thing is that we all have to keep a close eye on our loved one’s medical care to make sure they all get it right. The sad thing is there is very little you can do to combat pure negligence and falsification like that. It would not be expected. I am glad you went after them as was well deserved.

    Secret Agent, I hope you got it all worked out. That is really the last thing you should have to worry about.



    Grrrrr! As if you don’t have enough on your plate to worry about right now. Maybe a phone call to the onc today would help and see if they could call the hospice and tell a manger or whoever is in charge that it was ordered for Monday and needs to be done today. Hope you get somewhere with this and get it sorted.

    And no problems with you venting here, feel free to do that as much as you want to! I know that doing so definitely helps!

    Best wishes,



    I know it takes longer for the CA 19-9 to come back from the labs. But 2 days is a LONG time! I thought it was about 4 hours! If that.
    Unfortunately, it looks like you will have to clear this up, as no one else will. I hope it gets straightened out fairly easily. It’s not something you should HAVE to worry about, that’s the tough part. Unfortunately it happens to a lot of us.
    Good luck with ALL you have on your plate tomorrow.


    Sadly, Kris, some Hospice and Nursing Homes do not listen. When I checked Teddy in to a Hospice Facility on Friday even though Home Hospice faxed their Med History on him to the Facility, and the Facility interviewed me, they did their own thing. I had his pain under control but the next 2 days were horrific as they took it upon themselves to change his Meds. No doctor saw him, his ONC was not called and they took him totally off the Morphine that he had been on at home for 3 months and gave him a Fentanyl Patch. So, he not only had the pain from the CC he had withdrawal from Morphine! They didn’t tell me and I was very specific when we checked in. I won’t go in to the rest but it was barbaric what he went through. I didn’t know what they had done and thought it was all the process of his end journey. Long story short, we sued for Nursing Home neglect and won. Their Med Log on him was so bogus it was unbelievable. This is why I tell people that even though a loved one is in Hospice or a Nursing home be ever so vigilant. There was NO one to help me at that time and their Doctor didn’t come see him until Monday, the day he passed. All she asked him was what do you like to do Mr. Sardina. If I was not a lady, I would have decked her. So, that is my story and why I don’t trust these places. BTW the in home Hospice was awesome!


    I know it’s a pain but have the ONC write out an order for exactly when then lab needs to be drawn (i.e to be dawn every Monday or every other Monday)….I know 2 days prior sounds like exact enough but that may not be enough. It’s possible that the nursing home has a specific day that someone comes in and draws their labs so they have everything drawn on one day (like Tuesday). I have worked in nursing homes where the ONC gives an order for specific draws and the staff would contact the primary care MD to get the order change to suit their draw schedule.
    Unfortunately you will probably have to stay on top of it and continue to ask questions. Just remember that the squeaky wheel gets greased and even if you can’t be there all the time, phone calls help.
    Also remember that most states have an Ombudsman program that can listen to concerns and help work as an intermediary between you and the nursing home. There should be information on that posted somewhere prominent and if not then ask.

    Good luck, Kris


    Good for you to be so vigilant! Sounds like the Hospice Facility my husband was in. I learned the hard way we have to be on our toes watching everything they do. First of all if they lost it they should call the ONC! Did you talk to the MGR of the Home? I would tell the MGR that they not only lost it they changed the order in the books. Yikes, good luck tomorrow. Stay Strong from Agent LUV!


    I just need to vent here.
    My mom lives in a nursing home due to her many ailments. She is scheduled for her second round of chemo this Wednesday. The nursing home lost the requisitions for the CA 19-9 blood draw she is supposed to have on Monday, and they have written in their records to do it every two weeks, on a Tuesday. I fought with the nurse yesterday and she is insisting they will do it Tuesday, but thw oncologist said it has to be done 2 days before the chemo, which would be Monday. Argh! Now I have to try to find time to call the oncologist and get the new requisitions faxed over tomorrow morning, but I have to get my car fixed in the morning, then take my aunt to a doctor’s appointment.

    I’m just so frustrated.

    Thanks so much for letting me get that out!

    I hope everyone has a great week! :)

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