Gemcitabine or Doxorubicin

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Gemcitabine or Doxorubicin

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    No answers yet here. The doctor went with gemcitabine. We have another chemoembolization scheduled this week, then a scan on Feb 16th to see if the treatments are doing any good.


    what would you consider a tumor shrinking drug? any opinions on what seems to be the best combo to get that tumor to shrink?


    How would the doxorubicin be administered? by infusion in the arm, hepatic artierial infusion or chemoembolization? These 3 methods are very different as to side effects and effectiveness of treatment. Doxorubicin is a very rough drug, and is not particularly effective for cholangio. Gemzar is more effective but is used more as a stabilizing drug rather than a tumor-shrinking drug.

    With a tumor that large, I am surprised they are not recommending some kind of resection or ablation to reduce the size before initiating a chemo regimen.

    I am not a doctor, so get lots of opinions! Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress.

    Violarob in Texas


    The interventional physician is considering these two. Does anyone have any suggestions on which way to go? She said it is basically flip a coin.

    My dad’s tumor is quite large 11 x 14 cms, involving both lobes with 2 or 3 branches.

    Does one have more side effects? more success? less arterial damage?

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