Happy Awareness Month!

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Happy Awareness Month!

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    Kris…l so much agree with your thoughts. One day though, this board will serve another purpose – that of discussions focusing on the joy of having found a cure for this disease.
    Good luck on the 13th. Let us know if Sloan is open to having our brochures displayed.
    Hugs and love,


    I put it on Facebook. All of my friends know what this is called, even if they can’t pronounce it.
    But I do have to say: let’s get the word out for cc awareness month. I will not say “happy” nor will I celebrate it. I’d much rather not have had the need to visit this site, and wish no one had to hear of it ever. I feel the same about all cancers and major illnesses: it’s too bad some people have to experience it.
    I have emailed with Stacie: if I get the brochures in time, I have another Sloane Kettering appt. on the 13th. I will put some out in the waiting room on both my Dr.’s floors.



    Tif…In her TV interview, Sara, (president of CCF) answered the question well. Her answer was perfect: It is the community. I so much agree with her statement – you and everyone else contributing to this site have brought about this success.
    Thanks to all of you wonderful people this discussion board has become the most visited blog for CC patients and caregivers alike.
    Great people, great results.
    Hugs and love,


    We cetainly could not do what we do, which is just to chat, if is what not for all the caring, courageous and loving CC Family right here. You are all over the top!


    I’m spending the day at home (shopping on ebay). I had my Neulasta shot yesterday, so I hurt today. BUT when we get out to MD Anderson (14 days!!) I hope to have brochures in hand and tell everyone I talk to about CC.

    I would like to thank all the moderators on the message board for giving us a safe place to chat. :)


    Greaet one, Tiff! I am sending out our EMail cards for EVERYTHING wonderful, Birthdays, Anniversaries and Valentines Day. Maybe just to also say, How Are You Doing! Also meeting my new ONC today (our ONC of 6 years retired) and taking Brochures!


    I hope we all try extra hard to get the word out about CC this month.

    What are you doing to get the word out?

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