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    I concur with the other people on this thread that are recommending a major cancer center. However, I had my surgery in Rochester, NY, which has a fairly large cancer center, but not a major one. I got recommendations for surgeons from everyone and I investigated the number of surgeries of this type this surgeon did every year. That is really important. I interviewed him, made sure I was comfortable with him and his experience and outcomes.

    Honestly tho, if I could have gone to the Mayo in Rochester MN, I would have done it in a minute. I did got there for a second opinion after my surgery.

    I guess my advice is all over the place. The best advice I have is to be comfortable that you/your sister are doing everything you can to ensure that this surgery is successful and to not rely on a single opinion.

    Best wishes,



    This is tough. I don’t want your sister to have delays in getting surgery, but it is a big surgery and it’s really important to have an experienced surgeon. I’m not sure where her tumor is located but it would be important for the surgeon to try to get clean margins and if it is coming close to major vessels, it takes a talented surgeon to accomplish that. You also have to worry about complications like bile leaks. I would flat out ask him how many liver resections he has done and also see exactly how long it would take to get it scheduled at Mayo. From what I can tell, he doesn’t appear to be a surgical oncologist or hepatobiliary surgeon.
    I would want to hear it from Mayo’s mouth that it would take longer to get it scheduled there.
    You said one of his specialties is transplant. Do they even do liver transplants at that hospital? I couldn’t find it on their website.
    I’m sorry to be so negative but I want your sister to get the best. Let us know what she decides and best of luck with the surgery.

    Best of luck and keep us posted.



    Matt, I just Googled this Doctor and there is not much on him. By the way he does mostly Bariatric surgeries, hardly compares to liver surgeries. Google him and they don’t even show ratings or reviews or where he went to Med school.


    His name is Ayman Harakeh. I did a search on this site, but didn’t find anything.


    Matt, I am going to tread deep here! If I was going to have the liver surgery for CC like your Sister is having, I wouldn’t think of going to a small town hospital instead of a Major Cancer Hospital like Mayo. I would wat to know how long it would take to get into Mayo for the surgery and I would want to know just how much experience this Doctor has with CC in a small town. It does not add up to me. Sorry but I think your gut is right. By the way you can mention anything you want on this Board.


    The best way is to ask your sister to contact the surgical consult ,the liver specialist,at Mayo,who she consulted and see whether they will recommend the doctor that will perform surgery on your sister at LaCrosse Wis. that is the best way to find out from his peers of that speciality.
    One of my radiologist is from India, another GI specialist is from Iran,another radiologist is from Greek, and one of the surgeon that assist the liver surgeon is from Far east.the anesthetic assistant is from India so as three of my oncologists. I think where they graduated is not as important as their experience.
    If they are board certified for their speciality,they should be good enough. But if they are recommended or recognized by their peers,that is even better.
    In addition, one of the most important thing is whether she like her doctor,that helps a lot too.
    God bless.


    (continued) etc…. but, she and her husband are very optimistic and got a good feeling from this surgeon. She is being as optimistic as she can, but I know inside she is scared. I am thinking about asking her if she would sign a release so I could talk to her oncologist myself. I just don’t know, still letting it all sink in. Thank you for letting me ramble.


    I don’t think there is a problem naming surgeons at all. You can also use the search feature at the top of the page to search the site to see if others have mentioned him/her on the site (I know I did that).

    I am sure others will jump in with suggestions soon.

    Best wishes,


    Thank you all for the words of encouragement. wallsm1 – she is 52 years old.

    I just spoke with my sister, she just got home from meeting with the surgeon. Surgery is set for March 26. They are going to look around, and if they do not find other tumors, they will take out 1/3 to 1/2 of her liver. I think everyone here knows the other possibilities, so I won’t go into that.

    I AM SCARED, AND THIS IS WHY: I / she thought the surgery would take place at Mayo in Rochester. It turns out they are going to do it where they diagnosed her, at Gunderson Lutheran in La Crosse. She is optimistic, but I think the reality of the seriousness of this cancer sunk in a little more today after meeting with the surgeon.

    I asked her about Mayo, she said that La Crosse told her they do not want to wait to delay the surgery any longer and that this surgeon has experience with cholangiocarcinoma. I guess that means that it would take more precious time to wait to get schduled for surgery at Mayo?

    Is it ok if I name the surgeon on this site? I don’t want to break any rules, but I did look up his credentials. He specializes in beriatrics, general surgery, and transplant surgery. I can find very little about him other than that. Does anyone know of a reputable website that could give me more information on his skills and track record? He received his education and most of his training in Jordan and Beruit. He did a fellowship at Henry Ford in MI. This all makes me very nervous.

    I know I can call my sister and tell her she should/could/can demand a second opinion,


    Hi Matt,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I;m sorry also to hear about your sister. But I’m glad that you have joined in with us all as you have come to the right place for support and help, and you will get tons of both from all of us here.

    You’re right, this is scary. And even though you live far away from your sister you don’t have to go through this alone as we are all here for you and know what you are goiung through and feeling right now. The good news is that your sister is a candidate for surgery and please let us know how this goes for her. Many patients are not able to have this surgery and indeed my dad wasn’t able to have it either. And that is great that your sister lives so close to Mayo and she will be in very good hands there.

    I know your head will be spinning right now as all of this is so hard to take in. But please know that we are all here for you and if you have any questions then just ask away and we’ll do what we can to help in answering them.

    My best wishes to you,



    Matt-welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, 21/2 years cancer free! There is HOPE! Your sister is in one of the best places for CC, so take some peace from that. Please keep us posted on your sister and you will find this site is a well of information, collectively we probably know more than the best doctors!! Feel free to aks any questions or concerns here
    My sisters were 500 miles away and even though they were not always physically with me they were always by my side!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy



    I’m very sorry to hear of your sister’s diagnosis. I hope all goes well with surgery. How old is she? As others have mentioned, Mayo is the best for this type of cancer, so I’m glad she lives so close to it. Keep us posted!



    Well, Matt, your Sister just got another good star as Mayo Rochester is the best Mayo for CC! Look forward to hearing more.


    Thank you for your kind and supportive words peggyp & Lainy. I’m not sure exactly what kind of surgery it is, I will talk to her tomorrow night (after she meets with the surgeon) and find out. She doesn’t have internet, but I will share with her the support and information that I get from all of you. I will also find out the surgeon’s name; she is going to Mayo (Rochester), and maybe some of you are familiar with him/her. I’ll keep you posted, and thanks again.


    Hello, Matt and welcome to our amazing family but sorry you had to find us. Your Sister is at one of the best places she can be with Mayo Clinic! One can only do what one can do and I am sure she feels your love and support and that is the important thing. By the way, finding us is a major support as well for her. What kind of surgery is she having and has it been scheduled? You are right in that they don’t know what they will actually see until they operate however, we always try to be realistically optimistic. Try to read up as much as you can as knowledge is very powerful and if she is not up to coming on the Board the information you relay to her can be very helpful. Do visit us often and please keep us updated on your Sister!

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