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  • #74766

    Hi Lainy,

    Can’t help you out here, but want to wish you well. Hope it all works out. You are a strong lady who has been through a lot. You will get through this, too. With a little help from your friends. :)

    Love Ya,


    Dear Lainy,

    I’m so sorry to hear another bad report about your UC, especially knowing from personal experience how debilitating and miserable uncontrolled UC can be. Unfortunately, since in the end first line treatments were effective for me, I do not have experience with Remicade. UC is chronic, so I certainly hope the new treatment is effective, gives you relief, and lets you get back to your life. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.



    Morning Momma,

    Sorry to hear that the Humira has not worked for your UC, grrrr to that. I’ve never heard of Remicade before so had a quick look around and from what I’ve read, it seems that infections can be one of the side effects of it so that would be something definitely to keep an eye out for. I really hope that this one works for you as you certainly deserve a break here with all of this UC stuff.

    And like you say, you weathered the Humira after getting upset about that the first time around so no reason that you shouldn’t be able to take this new med in your stride too once you get started on it surely. Sounds like the first stage of the new treatment will be the longest week so getting that out of the way will surely be the best thing will it not? I hope that next week goes well with this and tons of positive thoughts will be coming your way from over here. And I’ll try and jump over this weekend and make you a cuppa so you can put your feet up too!

    Love ya loads,



    Thanks so much Lisa.


    Lainy, I don’t know anything about it but sending hugs and prayers


    Sorry to horn in on you CCer’s but had some bad news today about my UC and have a question. Found out that after 6 months of Humira it has not worked for my UC. My GI guy called me today and got my Humira Labs back and we are now gong to try something else that has me kind of scared. First of all I will be out, really out, Monday morning as I will be getting another Colonoscopy. GI wants me to now try Remicade. Don’t know why but it has me upset. I keep reminding myself that Humira had me upset at first also but I weathered it ok hope this is the same way. Anyone here tried it? Mark? It is given by IV and the first 3 doses are all in a week or so then once every 3 months and can take up to 8 hours a dose . If anyone knows anything about Remicade I’d love to be prepared. Thank you all.

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