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    Dear Roni – It is always so good to read good news. Keep up the good work with your Dad and we’ll keep up the prayers. May the new year bring continued restoration of body and spirit. Blessings, Susan


    Dear Roni, so good to hear from you again and with such great news. I wish for your New Year good health and for your Dad to keep improving. See what a little attitude can do!


    Hello everybody,

    Thank you for all your replies. This is an update on my father. It


    i am reading this and thinking, dad, its my mom, but we both have the same names!!! oiy vay!


    Hi Guy s….. Welcome to all.Glad to meet you all. chicago real estate


    Hi Roni,

    Thanks for the update on your dad. I remember when my dad was diagnosed he took it pretty hard. His CC was inoperable and he spent pretty much the next 7 weeks in the hospital and had his PDT treatment. He had quite a lot of rough days and even when he came home, it took quite some time for my dad to come to terms with everything. But after he was home for a while his mood lifted quite a lot and he got back to his old self. Talking about things helped for my dad and we talked quite a bit. Hopefully your dads mood will lift a bit now that he is back home with his family.

    Another thing that worked wonders for my dad was him going to the day care centre here. He was sceptical at first so we went up to see what it was like but dad kept an open mind about it. Well he absolutely loved it! He started going just once a week for a few hours then started going twice a week, again for about 5 hours each day. I do think that this helped my dad enormously as it let him see and feel that he was not on his own in this and he was around other people who also had cancer. But not only that, they used to have a great laugh there with each other and humour is always a good thing! I don’t know if this sort of thing is for everyone, perhaps not, but it worked wonders for my dad and his mood. Perhaps this is something that you could look into for your dad?

    Keeping my fingers crossed for your dad with his app with the onc on Monday.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hi Roni, I just wanted to say that “planning ahead” does not necessarily mean your dad is pessimistic. From the beginning Teddy and I talked about what he wanted when the time comes and we felt that by talking about it was good for us. Not good for everyone but it works for us. We both feel as long as we know what lies ahead we can face it head on. We laugh and joke and spend this time we have left having “precious moments”. A very wise lady on this Board told me that by making this time precious I will always look back and know we reached a very high level that most people don’t, therefore creating the happiest of memories and she is so right. My guess is you may need to filter out dad’s remarks to decide if he is being pessimistic or just planning and wanting to talk about it. Good luck to your dad.


    Hello again!

    Thank you for your replies. Just an update about my dad. He is at home since August the 26th and trying to face his disease. It’s not being easy for him since he’s terribly pessimistic, he’s even doing plans for his funeral!

    He’ll have his first appointment with the oncologist next Monday and he’s decided to ask him about for how long he will be alive.
    I told him that doctors are not Gods to know about our expiration date.
    I’m trying to uplift his mood all the time as much as I can, but sometimes it’s tiring. I wish he put something from his side.
    I guess it must be just a matter of time until he gets used to the situation.

    I’ve read lots of posts here and I’ve found a lot of useful information. I cried and I smiled with some stories too.

    To all the wonderful people here, enjoy life as fullest and don’t keep things for retirment (I used to say this to my father, but he never listened to me).
    I guess dad will begin soon with chemotherapy.

    My best wishes for everybody,


    Welcome to the forum. Let me just add to the hope already present here. This is a nasty diagnosis, yes, but take a look around here and you will find many success stories. You will also find others living with strength and integrity. My prayers go out to you and your father.
    Kim Kircher


    Roni: Let me join the others in welcoming you to this site. You are right, there is not a lot out on the internet regarding this cancer. Like you prior to my now 63 year old husband being diagnosed with this cancer, I knew nothing about it. Now I think I could write a book on it!

    Tell your father that NO ONE has an expiration date stamped on their butt, or on the bottoms of their feet. My husband Tom was given a 6 month terminal diagnosis, 9 months ago! I feel that attitude and prayers and being on top of how the person with CC is feeling on a day to day basis has a lot to do with how long someone lives with this cancer. If a doctor tells you 6 months and you do nothing except figure that you will be gone in 6 months, then that may be true. But if your attitude is such that you WANT to be here in 9 months, and if you have people helping you to be strong and think positive and you are getting the medical treatment that you need, being careful to seek out that medical attention whenever something is ‘not feeling right’ or ‘not looking right’ and not taking ‘NO’ for an answer….then I think that CC patients can many times outlive such a dire prediction.

    Tom and I are now in his 9th month of life, with no end in sight. However, with that being said, we are diligent in seeking answers, second and third opinoins, etc and staying on top of his medical issues.

    Prayers are coming your dad’s way from Wisconsin.

    Go with GOD and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.

    Margaret and Tom (My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma)


    Roni….I am pleased to say that misspelling is not of concern to us. I have made plenty of grammatical errors as have many other posters. We only care about each other….the rest is secondary.
    I also wanted to mention that you are the second Spaniard on board. We are hoping for this site to grow and eventually have presence in all countries.
    Stay with us,
    Best wishes,


    Thank you very much to you all for your welcome and answers!

    Before finding this site I was completelly lost. I found no support and little information in my country about this disease.
    You are doing a great job giving support to people like me who felt completely lost. I thank you very much.
    My father is still in hospital but improving day by day. He feels powerless and discouraged due to all this situation which catched him unawares, so I told doctors not to tell him anything about cancer until he can come back home. I try to encourage him all the time.
    Surgeon said something about chemo, but we have to wait until he recovers from surgery.
    I feel stronger now and I am convinced that all diseases are 50% attitude and 50% disease. Lets be strong and keep on feeling like living this life as fullest!

    Thank you very much again and sorry for my spelling.
    Whising you the best,


    Welcome to the site. We do our best to support and encourage each other. This is a rare disease and most of us had not heard of it before it touched our lives.

    Cant add anything to the discussion. We all believe in several opinions. Doctors know what will likely happen, what will statistically happen, but NOT what WILL happen.

    Hang in there.


    Hi Roni,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you had to find us all. And I am sorry to hear about your dad and what he is going through. I was my dads carer during his fight with CC so I know what you are going through right now.

    You are doing everything right in trying to find out all you can about this and like you, I have never heard of CC until my dad was diagnosed. Keep coming back here, keep asking questions and we will all help you if we can.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hello Roni….I would like to follow Andie and Lainy and welcome you to our site. Similar to you I had never heard of this disease and I believe this to be the case for most (if not all) of our members. Roni, you may find information re: dendritic cell therapy by using our google search function on top of the page, right side. Simply enter the keywords: “dendritic cell therapy” and previous discussion will appear. Good luck and best wishes.

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