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    Hi Roni and welcome to our family. It appears as if the right things have been done however, we do like to suggest 2nd and 3rd opinions. I am very proud of you doing your homework as that will help a lot. The more knowledge you gain about CC the better advocate you can be for your father. Please stay in touch with us, you have come to the right place.


    Hi Roni,

    Whilst I’m sorry you have had to find our site, may I welcome you to it. My Dad was diagnosed with inoperable Extrahepatic CC in April, after having jaundice since February. The doctors originally told my Dad 2-3 months but he is still here without having any treatment apart from Stents to allow the bile to flow. A second opinion told us that whilst it was inoperable Dad could have Chemo Gem/Cis. This should have started in June but Dads original stent blocked and had to be extended, so therefore Chemo was delayed due to the onset of jaundice again. We meet with the Oncologist again tomorrow.

    CC brings many rollercoaster of emotions, never give up hope and get 3rd and 4th opinions if you wish. Have they mentioned Chemotheraphy or any other treatment? Your Dad will probably have to recover from surgery before they can give do any of this.

    Best wishes to you and your Dad


    Hello to everybody,

    My father was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma at the end of July. He is 63. Since then I’ve been searching for information all over the internet. I’ve never heard before about this kind of cancer.
    He looked perfectly healthy two months ago that it’s still very hard for me to believe he’s got that inside him. Last week they removed the tumor but they told us that it was too big and it was very expanded, it even surrounded the portal vein. They wished to remove the head of pancreas and his left liver too in order to avoid a fast metastasis, but they couldn’t do it because my father was too weak. Surgeon said he will be alive from 4 to 12 months.
    Now he’s doing fine after surgery but I can’t stop wondering what comes next.
    I’ll put a post in the correct place asking you all about dendritic cell therapy.

    Wishing you the best,

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