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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi, I’m a new member

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  • #29014

    Welcome to our site. You are in the right place. This cancer likes to strike unexpectedly and it leaves us scrambling for information and support. Several of our members are at an advanced age and I am hoping for you to receive some answers to your questions from those who are involved in the care of their loved ones. Has the physician explained the type of radiation he is contemplating for your Dad? I am a big believer in second, third, or more opinions something, you might want to consider also. This cancer differs from patient to patient and consequently, so does the treatment response. Until others have a chance to respond, you might want to use the search function. There is a wealth of information hidden on this site and keywords such as


    My dad had surgery to remove his gall bladder,part of his liver & removed a tumor in the bile duct. Now the Dr wants to do radation. He almost 84. He’s been out of the hospital for about 1 month. He just had another cat scan & nothing new has appeared. The radation Dr said he could wait 3 months & then try the radation. He has been a very healthy person up to now. The radation Dr said he could stop the radation at any time if he was too much for him. Does anyone have any thing similar to this, for a person of this age? If so, what was done &how is the person doing? This cancer has happened very quickly & I don’t really know much about it.
    Thank you.

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