Hospice care for dad

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    Hi Gavin,

    Glad you all had a more positive day today. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you get to go for that walk tomorrow.

    Love & Hugs,



    How lovely to read your good report of your Dad’s night. I’m so pleased he managed to get some good rest and is comfortable on his new mattress, fingers crossed the cocktail of drugs is working well for him just now.

    Here’s hoping for another good night tonight,

    Thinking of you,



    Oh, that all sounds so good, Gavin. Enjoy it and I hope you can take that walk with your dad tomorrow. Maybe some time alone with her sister is what mum needs. We all need some diversion or it can get to be too much. You made me very happy today!


    Hi all,

    Well dad looked much better today. When we went in, he was out of bed and sitting in the chair. He was sleeping, but at least he was up. Then he woke up as soon as we went in. Me, mum and my Aunt went up, then his friends came up later so we left them all to talk amongst themselves. Mum is with her sister right now so I thought I would give them some time together before we go back up to see dad.

    Dad had a really good night last night, and got a lot of sleep. They have changed his meds again and they seem to working really well. His new anti nausea med is Met something or other, I forgot the name but it also helps with agitation. That is the only medication he is on just now and it is through the syringe driver over a 24 hour cycle. He is also getting an injection of the same drug I think if needed for sickness and has only had one of these last night. The injection helps him sleep also so I think they are giving him another shot of it tonight.

    He has also had food today. He woke up very hungry and was complaining about being hungry, so had rice krispies for breakfast and has had something for dinner, steak pie and potatoes. He was sick a bit after dinner, but only a little bit according to the nurse. He is also talking much more clearly and is thinking a lot better. And it was really good to be able to talk right now, so a good day so far. He saud himself that he is feeling much better than yesterday and I think this new medication is working really well. It has also worked with his hic-cups a lot. I spoke with the head nurse, and she said that it if this medication continues like this then they will keep him on it as long as they can as he is really comfortable just now. Still in no major pain and the have the pain meds on hand for injection if needed. He has also been getting a really dry mouth and they are giving him artificial saliva 4 times a day, which dad says is really helping.

    He also now has a water type mattress thing on his bed to help his comfort when lying in bed that will change shape with him as he moves in bed. It does look very comfortable indeed and dad loves the idea of it! It also can be programmed to move on a set time cycle for his added comfort.

    I had a good talk with the head nurse and she is really nice, and says that it is a joy to take care of dad. The nurses really are amazing there and it is really good to know that dad is in such great caring hands. Said to dad tomorrow if he is up to it and the weather holds that we can see about getting a wheelchair for him and I will take him out for a walk in the grounds so that he can get out and get some fresh air.

    My thanks and best wishes to you all.



    Dear Gavin,

    You and your family are in my thoughts today. Take care.

    Love & hugs,


    Hi Gavin,

    So sorry to hear this time has come. I spent these hours very anxious, just waiting for peace. It will come.

    Take care of yourself through this,



    Thank you Val. It does indeed seem so quickly since dad went for his last paper on Tuesday morning, yet so much has happened since then in that short time. I phoned dads closest friends last night and the 3 of them are all going up today to see dad and he will be glad to see them all. I warned them all that dad can’t speak too good right now so that they are not too shocked as I didn’t want that in case it upsets dad.

    Yes the hospice staff are amazing and are all doing such a good job keeping dad comfortable and looking after us all. What is also good is that we know about half of the nurses at the hospice, as they all have worked in the day care unit. They all take turns and spent weeks working in both the day care unit and the hospice, and both hospice and day care are located right beside each other in the same building. I think this is an excellent idea as it means that patients, family and nurses and doctors all get to know each other over time. I know this is good for dad and it does seem to help him, and it’s always good to see a friendly face.

    Thank you Sharon. I know you are going through this as well and I am sending you strength and courage back accross the Atlantic to you. I know you will do everything that you can to help your mum right now, you are an amazing daughter and you will make the right decisions.

    Thank you Katie. I am just away to get mum and then pick up her sister as well and then we will all be going up to see dad. Mum didnt get any sleep last night and is really tired. I managed some but am ready for whatever may lie ahead. I know I need to be strong right now for them both, and I will be.

    Thank you Pam. I have told my dad that I will always be there for mum, and I will tell him again today and every day and I’m sure that he knows that I will take good care of her. It’s not easy this part of the journey as you know, but I will be beside dad through it all and make him as comfortable as I can. Thank you so much also for sharing your mums experiences with me as I know that must be hard to do.

    My thanks as always to you all for your kind words, support and for being there for me, my dad and my mum.

    My best wishes to you all.



    Oh Gavin,

    I’m so sorry to hear your Dad is nearing the end of his journey. You are an amazinng legacy that your Dad leaves behind…a strong, caring compassionate Man. Your Dad’s mind must surely be resting easier knowing he can pass the care of your Mom into your strong and capable hands.

    As for your Dad having times he doesn’t feel like talking, looking back there really seemed to be a time with my Mom that she seemed to be detaching from us and this world and preparing for the next part of her journey. You are doing everything right….sitting with your Dad when he doesn’t need or want to talk and engaging him when he does.

    My heart goes out to you. You have so much on your plate and are doing a magnificent job with the way you are handling things. In the words of “another father”….”This is my son, in whom I am well-pleased…”

    Stay strong and know we are all here for you.

    Many hugs and much, much love,




    Just came to check in this morning to see how the night went with your precious Dad. Hoping that you all got some rest overnight ready to face what ever today holds for you.

    Praying for peace for your Dad ,



    Hi Gavin,

    I am glad for the small blessings for your dad – a better sleep, less confusion, more time to talk and a private room. Thinking of you and sending you strength and courage from across the Atlantic.



    Ah Gavin, I’m so sorry your dad seems to have got to this point so quickly after still doing his regular paper walk – it seems only a few days ago.

    This is where the hospices are just great, keeping patients & family comfortable & doing everything they can to ease you through this difficult time.

    thinking of you, hugs, Val x


    Hi everyone,

    Many many thanks for all your kind words and support. As always, it means so much to me and even more so right now. I have no idea where I would be right now if it wasn’t for all of you.

    Dad is getting worse with each day. I spoke with the charge nurse today and she said he has gotten a lot worse overnight, which is strange as he looks and seems to be better than yesterday. They have stopped the fluid drain as it is causing problems now with his lungs and kidneys. They have also stopped all his meds apart from the Haloperidol which he is getting through the syringe driver. He is in no pain really so they have stopped the pain tablets, he can’t keep any tablets down so they have pain killing injections for him if need be. He had an injection this evening which helped with his vomiting and he has had quite a lot of sleep today but nothing to eat at all. He is bringing up more black bile now, but is less confused now so we can talk more than yesterday which is good.

    He has been moved to a private room which is much more spacious and comfortable for us all. Now they are just going to treat any of the symptoms that arise that they can and the aim is to keep dad as comfortable as possible. I was told that he only has days left now. We are thankful that he is not in any great pain and is as comfortable is possible.

    Julia, thank you. Yes we will share these precious moments with dad and make the most of the time we have left.

    Janet, thank you. Yes dad has had a decent innings but has gone down fast since he last went out for a paper. I am thankful that I will be able to be beside him through it all.

    Lainy, thank you. And I am proud to be your friend also, as I am to you all. I know that I have to be strong for mum and dad right now, and it is not easy but I will be there for them both no matter what. I know that mum will need me more in the weeks and months to come, and I will be there for her for whatever she needs. I made a promise to dad to take care of her and I will do so, no matter what lies ahead. The journey for dad has indeed been tough, and like you, I hope that this part will be more peaceful for him.

    Darla, thank you. I am very glad for the time I had with dad and also for what time we have now. Seeing how happy being able to go horse riding for the first time in his life made dad feel was a joy to see. And each of these 12 sessions was a moment to be treasured and will always be remembered. Yes his comfort right now is the most important thing, and I will do everything I can to make him as comfortable as possible.

    Once again, thank you all so much for your support, kind words and for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.



    Dear Gavin,

    I too am sorry it has come to this point, but you have been strong and supportive and done your best all along the way. Be glad for the time you had and for the time you are now given. Make the most of the time you have left with your Dad. His comfort and knowing his loved ones are with him are so important to all of you right now. You are a wonderful son. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Gavin, as much as this news saddens us, I have felt dad had reached this point. You have already been one of the best son’s in the world and I am proud to call you a friend. Now you have to be one of the strongest as your mum will be more in need of you. Your parents did not beget a son, they have an angel. Maybe I should not call a grown man an angel but there it is! We are sending prayers and thoughts to you and to dad that he has a more peaceful journey now than he has these last few months.


    You have arrived at this point with your dad.Isnt it amazing that he was going out for the paper only just the other day.He has had a good innings Gavin,and you have been a good,supportive son. love from Janet

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