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    One never thinks that they would ever post about cancer while sitting in the hospital. Until now.

    Hello all. My mother was just diagnosed with cc on Monday 9/14/09, even but the doctors were almost sure what it was on Saturday the 12th. She had been feeling “ill” (nauseaous, not eating too much, weight loss) for about 3 weeks, until finally my aunt convinced her the ER was the best option. The CT Scan and MRI showed a shadow in her common bile duct-until the ERCP performed on Monday confirmed she has a lesion. The ERCP did relieve her nausea and jaundice and she’s feeling better today.

    The surgeons and the oncologist at the hospital we were previously at strongly suggested she be transferred to Jackson Memorial Hospital-where we sit now, anxiously awaiting if the lesion is operable or what our treatment options are. If it is operable, we will get more information, etc, once that’s been established by the doctors. For those of you that have been operated-how did you decide seeing how high the risks are??

    I am an only child and cannot begin to wrap my head around what she has to go through. You know your parents are going to die one day- but you never think you’re going to watch it happen. I’m not doing too well, I feel as though I’m stuck in a never ending nightmare. Please don’t get me wrong-I try not to cry around her and have a postive outlook. I know that I have to be strong for her, for me, and be informed inorder to guide her decisions-but all I’ve wanted to do this week is cry.

    My mother however, is in high spirits and has such a strong belief that everything will work out. She truly believes that God will get rid of “it”. It’s not denial-she really believes that she (she says “we”) will be fine, no matter the outcome.

    I admire all of you-not only for the strength, but for the support you give eachother.

    Thanks for reading.

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