Is it back?

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    Thank you so much for your feedback. I DO feel a lot better after hearing about your experiences. My sister was so concerned she called the Cancer Center of America (???) and they recommended I not wait 5 weeks to see if this thing grows or changes. I am relatively close in location to Chicago Northwestern Hospital so this gal wants me to contact them and see if they agree on the wait and see approach. She said that hospital may also say that its too small to biopsy at this point but that its better to be safe than sorry….so I have a call into them. I guess they are the closest hospital with cutting edge technology and she claims her friend had a similar experience and went there for an “rfa” procedure where they go into the abdomen with a probe and “blast” the spot out. They are supposed to call me back today and tell me whether or not they would recommend my coming in sooner.

    I guess I was just feeling so comforted knowing that my doctor claimed to have removed everything 6 months ago, with wide margins, no lymphatic involvement, no vascular invasion, etc. Now I am right back to where I was before with the anxiety and the worry. Wondering/feeling as if this crap is popping up everywhere in my body.

    I guess this worry never goes away, right Kris & Jean? We just have to keep going, taking one day at a time and holding each other up.

    Thanks so much for all your comments. I am still concerned, but I do feel better.

    Will keep you posted!


    Since we realize the importance of regular scans the following comments only relate in an indirect way. It adds a bit to Kris


    This is exactly what happened to me…even down to the diagnosed in April with a successful resection, negative margins, negative lymph nodes, and always normal blood work. My surgery was in May and I had my first follow up CT scan in September. They initially said it was great “absolutely no areas of concern” until a second radiologist read it and was concerned about two areas in the liver.

    I was so afraid…I can relate with everything you said! I think a great deal of it was that I went back to the exact same feelings as when the tumor was first found…panic and utter terror. But, I think that’s all perfectly understandable…I simply could not separate the feelings/the situation from that initial one.

    I had another PET/CT about 2 weeks later and it was negative!!! The surgeon said that after looking at it, the two areas were just post surgical changes and were not tumor. So, I think I’ve learned that on future CT scans things maybe found but that doesn’t mean that it’s the cc.

    I know you will worry…that’s just normal. But, I have learned that it’s best not to jump ahead…as I frequently tell myself “don’t go there till you’re there”!

    It’s all just so difficult I know and I think CT scans and all scans do indeed have “glitches”. But, from mine and Kris’s experiences, it may just be nothing.

    Please let us know how it goes and I am sending all of my most positive thoughts your way!



    I was one of those people with a “spot” that ended up being nothing. I understand your feelings though. Everyday I get up and wonder if IT is back. I swear not a day goes by that I dont think about the cancer and wonder if I will see my 35 birthday or will I be alive and healthy enough to have children. I cant stop worrying and I can tell you nothing that will stop you from worrying, but I will try anyway.

    My suspicious spot showed up on ct and mri scans and doctors in 3 countries didnt have a clue. I had a suspicious lymphnode as well. I ended up spending weeks and weeks in the hospital having all sorts of procedures only to discover it was nothing. It could be nothing for you too. Sending you the best thoughts,



    Hello worried… Oh yes it happens. We had encountered many of these instances where the scans showed lesions which later turned out to be insignificant, or even disappeared. The good news is that it is being watched carefully. By the way, you have come to the right place with people ready to support you all the way. So glad for you to have reached out to this great bunch of CC members.
    Hugs and good wishes coming your way,


    I was diagnosed with CC in April of this year. Had a successful resection and was told it was gone. Did not invade lymph nodes, nothing in the blood stream, the tumor was contained to the liver. I am in the process of going to my 3 month check ups and had my second one yesterday, fully expecting to hear good news as I feel GREAT! Blood tests and liver function came back normal. CT found a small spot….the size of a BB…in the center of my liver. Doc says it could be a glitch in the CT, a benign cyst, nothing at all or the worst! I have to go back in 5 weeks for repeat tests. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this the beginning of the end for me or is there still hope? I am fearing the worst. I mean, how many times does a CT have a “glitch” in it?
    I am very worried and anxious about this. Please advise.

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