Just for fun, one really weird side effect

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    Oh my goodness, this made me smile so big!! I love this! Would love to see it advertised on those commercials with all the horrific list of side effects…..can you imagine? Might increase ability to accurately finish crossword puzzles!!! Thanks for the good news!



    Isn’t this bazaar?? I have tried to see if it carries over to other things like jigsaw puzzles or Jeopardy (which I do watch everyday), but no, its just the crossword puzzle. I used to write short stories, and can’t write at all any more, and most days with “chemo brain”, I’m lucky I don’t get lost just going to the kitchen.

    It does make me wonder what a brain scan would look like, you remember the old “your brain on drugs” commercials with the fried egg? LOL.






    That’s wild!  I don’t think I have a similar hobby that got easier in chemo, I just had some pretty bankable flu-like symptoms.  I should have payed more attention when I was watching Jeopardy… 🙂


    That’s the best side effect I have ever heard!  Go you!


    Hi Molly,

    Ha! Never heard of that one before!! You know what you have to do here now? Start entering competitive puzzling or doing crosswords for prizes!! Think of the $$$’s you could win!!


    On a serious note, maybe the onc is onto something here with things, puzzles, crosswords etc and how you are able to see them differently now. Seems like you enjoy doing puzzles so keep on doing them and beating them. You go on and beat the CC and now the puzzles as well! Hope the chemo goes well for you and please make sure to keep us updated on it. And for sure if I get stuck with puzzles or something similar I know now where to come for help! 🙂






    I’ve been on Gemzar since January and have noticed one really bazaar change.

    I totally ace the Sunday crossword puzzle every week!

    I’ve been doing the puzzles for years, typically finishing 35-40% of it. Somewhere around Feb-Mar, I started getting more and more answers, and finally got to where the puzzle was 90% complete by noon on Sunday. This summer I was off chemo for 5 weeks, and my completion rate dropped to about 50%. Once back on chemo, it went back up. My ONC says the puzzles just got “easier”.

    Have any of you had a similar experience?

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