Kanzious Machine for Cancer Treatment headed to Trials

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    Thanks for that additional info. I found another article that says the first human trials will be in Italy with the Kanzius machine…..probably in 2016 and that the “hope” is that the trials (if successful) will then be replicated at Baylor probably in 2017 pending FDA approval to start. Then phase II trials would be held at various locations in the US.



    Julie…many inventions are born out of curiosity and arrive from a hobby activity.
    Perhaps 10 years ago (or less) this invention was documented on the 60 Minutes. I remember it well because it was the time my husband had been diagnosed with CCA and was looking for possible treatment options. Both, the inventor and Dr. Curley had contributed to the section of the show.
    The Kanzius Research Foundation ended it’s mission in 2014 with the approval by the FDA.
    The inventor’s wife sold the sell intellectual property rights to the radio wave treatment to AkesoGenX . They will raise the funding for a clinical trial and determine a Principal Investigator.
    See here:
    Appears that they are looking at 2016 (or a bit later) to start a clinical trial.


    Gavin and Marian, Thank you for your response. As I said, I’ve been following the research on this since I was diagnosed and found a few articles about it. I think I may have actually posted about it a time or two….or maybe it was just in private emails to other CC people.

    I’m just very curious as to where the first trials WILL be held…..and if they “might” include CC patients (under the liver catagory), …..and….of course, WHEN will they officially start recruiting?

    Due to the way it was invented and by a non-medical person, it was initially looked upon as junk science. The inventor was a ham radio operator and radio station owner. But, having a husband who is also a “Ham” (as they call themselves) and an electrical engineer involved in radio development for 41 years for a major company dealing with radios for high tech planes/defense industry, I realized that there was some validity in the “idea” so it caught my attention.

    The Kanzius machine is not a glorified microwave oven. It does not damage other nearby tissue as a microwave would do. Both use radio waves….but the frequency is what is changed to crreate a different result. Microwaves zero in on water -containing material (think human tissue which is made of a large percentage of water) . The Kanzius machine uses a different frequency that doesn’t act on water, but instead zeros in on the nanoparticles that are injected into the body and which bind with cancer cells. It heats up those nanoparticles and they then vaporize the cancer cells or tumors. That’s a pretty simplistic explanation, and I still may not have explained it 100% accurately, but I’ve seen people refute the Kansius machine, arguing that it was nothing more than what is already available with ablation we now have and would simply be a big microwave oven and if the operator wasn’t totally accurate, they’d damage other tissue. That kind of remark is a lack of understanding of the science involved in radio waves. I do not claim to know all about the science involved…..but just enough to get excited about it.

    Dr. Curley, who has been conducting the research on the Kanzius machine is a world known researcher with Baylor School of medicine and with ties to MD Anderson. He did some of the original work on “ablation” research years ago. He has a distinguished reputation in the medical research community and as such, the idea of him putting his name and reputation on this for research gives it more validity. This has garnered the attention of many in the field of cancer research and treatment for the last several years and now that the FDA has approved human trials, it seems that there should be more info forthcoming. Due to the nature of the machine….killing the cancer cells immediately, it would seem that results should be fairly fast and hopefully, it won’t take a long time to get results posted to the medical community. But, I don’t know how all that works.

    The main issue that I can gather from the reading I’ve done, is that of the body excreting the residual nanoparticle and destroyed tissue (depending on the bulk) without causing problems with the kidneys. A researcher iin another country is using a different nanoparticle with a similar machine he put together. That nano particle breaks down faster and better biochemically, than the ones (gold and something else)that are currently being used in the Kanzius machine experimentation.

    Basically…..it appears to me that this is not junk science and if the FDA has now approved it for human trial (which they have) it appears that they concur. Normally, I don’t get too excited about research, but this is one that if the Kanzius Foundation was still taking donations(they’re not), I’d donate some myself. And, though I’m nortiously NOT a gambler…..I’d buy stock if it were available. Since I can’t do either……Now, to wait and watch….pray and hope.

    Julie T.


    Thanks, Julie….here is one of numerous postings re: Kanzious (Search function will display others)


    Thanks for this Julie. Will keep my eyes open for stuff about this and will do some digging for info later when I get a bit more time.

    Thanks again.



    A July 21, 2015, issue of Newsweek Magazine had an article about the Kanzious Machine being finally approved by the FDA to go to human trials for the treatment of cancer.

    This device has been in development for years and will go into trials first with 15-20 pancreatic and liver cancer patients. It uses nano particles and radio waves and if successful in human trials, it will kill cancer cells, with no damage to nearby tissue and without chemo or radiation, though it may be possible to use a very low dose chemo with it. Since the chemo would be low dose, the side effects would be considerably less than standard of care chemo treatments. It would not only kill visible tumors, but also kill microscopic cells throughout the body. In essence, it sounds like it would end the problem of cancer returning after treatment.

    There was no info on where the trials would be held….but Kanzious , who invented the device, wanted them to be done in Erie PA, and a town in Florida , both where he lived and whose town folk supported him and his invention. Previous articles have mentioned MD Anderson, because a researcher, Dr. Curley, who works out of Baylor College of Medicine has been working with the machine through the development stages. I also did not see when the anticipated start date for trials would be either.

    If anyone sees anything more about this, please post as a followup here so we can keep track of it. This could be the most promising treatment for solid tumor cancers , which is what it is designed to attack, but it may also be applicable to other non-solid tumor cancers as well.

    Julie T.

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