Lauren’s Surgery News

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    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to let everyone know about what will be happening with Lauren.

    She saw Dr. Sonnenday last Friday and he also introduced her to a nutritionist. He wants her to be as healthy as possible for surgery. So, starting this past Monday, Lauren has begun walking on the treadmill and eating very healthy. I am doing it right along with her because I need it too and it is so much easier with a buddy. Lauren is super motivated!!

    She has a pre-op consultation with Dr. Sonnenday on March 5th probably to go over all the small stuff dealing with surgery.

    Her first surgery will be on March 26th. This will be the one where he goes in laparascopically and makes sure there are no tumors on nearby organs. If everything is ok, he will then go ahead and operate and take out the small tumors and cut off the blood supply to the right side of her liver. If all goes well, she will have the big resection surgery sometime in May. That is all we know at this point.

    Thanks for caring, praying for, and supporting Lauren. We appreciate it more than you could ever know.

    -Pam and Lauren

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