Liver Infusion Pump?

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    And yes, I live near Phila. But I’m in Princeton right now and probably going to NY soon.


    I don’t have a lot of definitive answers yet. They are pretty sure the pump area has an infection. I’m not sure what that means, except for a trip to NY and a surgery. I’m afraid it means bye-bye pump. And that terrifies me.
    I’m so emotional right now and don’t really know what “we” are going to do, but the pain is definitely real. And I can’t see much good about the pain. So not a positive nor hopeful post here today.


    Hello Kris, sorry to hear of all your troubles . You sound like a battler, God bless you Do you live near Phila ?


    Just checking in to see if Kris had any update to share with us.



    OMGOSH. KRIS, &*%$##@*^&&%%$$#@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was not a slap, I was swearing because of what happened to you. I do think though that your idea is great to look for someone closer. Someone who would talk with the Princeton ONC. Hoep you are feeling better already!


    Hi Kris! I have been thinking about you and wondering how you have been doing. I am so sorry to hear this, and wish there was something I could do for you. My pump has not caused me any pain or discomfort. Is this Oncologist going to contact your other oncologist and/or surgeon for a consultation on this? Every night I say prayer for everyone that has CC. Tonight I will say an extra prayer for you!
    Sending you sunny thoughts from Indiana!



    What I forgot to say is a friend of mine stopped at my house so as of today I am cell phone and computer happy. I didn’t even have my trusty laptop. Or my calendar. Or my hair brush, or….. Now I have lots of stuff.
    Lainy I know I shouldn’t have driven but they gave me an hour to get an hour away on a Friday morning. I don’t know anyone who is available at the snap of a finger that is within 5 minutes of my house.
    Slap accepted. I love my Princeton onc but I think after this I am going to have to look for one much closer. One that is willing to learn what to do with the pump, provided is is still usable.


    KRIS! &*%$##@*^&&%%$$#@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I got that off my chest. I am still back at the fact you drove!! When Teddy hit 102 or 103 he could hardly stand up! Gee wiz, Kid, enough already. I am hoping and wishing for everything to be an easy ‘clear up’. If you can’t use the phone just keep posting us and that will keep you busy. Crossing everything I own for a great outcome!


    Oh Kris


    Dear Kris,

    I am sorry to say I am pretty new to all this stuff so I can’t answer your questions. I’m sure one of the more experienced members will have some answers for you soon. I wanted to let you know that you are never alone. We are all here for you. I am so sorry you had to drive yourself to the doctor.
    I will pray that everything works out for you. I feel a little helpless, but I am offering support and letting you know I care. Take care and good luck.

    Love, -Pam


    Here’s a new 3/4 update on my journey. Monday I had chemo (Gemzar only). I spent Tues., Wed., and Thurs. fighting a lowgrade fever. Gemzar usually doesn’t get me that quickly, but I wasn’t concerned. Thurs. I started feeling lousy, like I just wasnt with it. Around 3am I took my temp again and it was 102.9, but I wasn’t moving (I didn’t feel capable of driving if I needed to). So I took some Tylenol and went back to sleep, hoping the fever would break. Of course, it didn’t. Friday I called Dr. Kemeny and her office said to get to my “local” oncologist for blood work. My local onc is still an hour away. I called them and jumped in the car, where my fever was now 103.8 at Princeton. They did the cultures and sent me to the hospital. So now I’m alone, in a hospital an hour away from my home and don’t even have my phone charger! UGH!
    Did I mention scared?
    Here’s the update so far. I have pneumonia with no symptoms.
    I also have an infection. They say it’s presumably around the pump site. All I know is that the one doc here says if the pump is infected it will be useless…. for those who have been following my journey you know I’ve had a surgery and 3 embolizations to get the pump to work and now I’m afraid it’s gonna be bad news again!
    The hopeful news is there is no fluid found around the pump. So why does it hurt? Has anyone who has this had pain in particular places? Like maybe where it’s stitched into the abdomen??? That’s what I’m hoping for. (Oh, by the way, the pneumonia is directly above the pump.)
    Then I can worry about where the infection is.
    This is so frustrating.


    Thank you so much everyone! I am so glad we have each other to “talk” to! I feel so much better already!


    Cindi…no growth in existing tumor is great. The new, little tumors will receive a blasting with the upcoming treatment. And, you are all charged for the third round.
    All my best wishes,


    Cindy: It took the third time for lots of stuff to finally go right for me, so I agree: THIRD TIME IS A CHARM!! I wish you all the best with the new regimen.


    Cindy, we won’t dwell on negative and intead say great! We have a new plan. As long as there are plans there is lots of hope. And your son is right, 3rd time is a charm, he also sounds like a charm! You know you will have your cheer leading section here already cheering for you! Sending you my best.

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