Liver Infusion Pump?

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    Kris: I will be thinking about this Wednesday as you go for your scan! I am going for a CT scan this Friday the 28th! I am a nervous wreck and not looking forward to it as I am worried about the possibility of receiving bad news. Is this normal? This will be my first scan since receiving the liver infusion pump, and I have had 2 treatments of the FUDR.


    Cindy: I hope you have good results with the pump, too. It was a long road to get mine working, and I have not had any scans since we got on track.
    I will find out on the 26th how much more the tumor has shrunk.
    I will be waiting to hear the good news from you! Maybe if we keep getting good news with the pump, it will start being used more frequently.


    Kris, glad to hear the pump has been effective for you and also for the Gem/Ox working. Nice to have hope that surgery or other techniques are being discussed also. Months back that was just a hope.

    Wishing you the best.


    Cindy…thanks for jumping in. You are right. Few of our members are treated with the hepatic pump and I would love to know why that is so.
    All my best wishes,


    I thought I would jump in here and let you know that I received my liver infusion pump on August 8, 2011 at the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center. Dr. Michael House was my surgeon. Everything is going smoothly, and to date, I have received 2 treatments with no side effects. My oncologist, Dr. Paul Helft is talking about doing a scan in 3 – 4 weeks. I don’t see many on here with the liver infusion pump, but the ones I do read seem to be achieving success! I am hoping and praying for the same!



    Kris….Good luck and fingers are crossed for your visit with Dr. Fong. You are doing great.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Maria, I believe as we grow older we get these nodules on our insides! I, my husband, my girlfriend and my daughter who is 49 all have had the stupid nodules. My daughter was just diagnosed with them on her kidneys as well. No problems. I have had the lung nodules at least 10 yeares but of course they keep checking them yearly just to be careful. Maybe we could call them noduletts as it doesn’t sound as ominous!


    Dr. Fong called me on Friday and wants to see me in about 4 weeks. I have to schedule a scan thru Dr. Kemeny and then he wants to discuss my options. Surgery, or freezing/burning the tumor. I just hope the news continues to be good and we can move forward.
    The timeline when Dr. Fong first discussed the pump with me was about a year. I have only had 1 treatment thru the pump. And 4 months of systemic chemo. So my journey has been relatively short compared to many others. And I know that, but it’s still been a long, scary road.
    Massiel: I am at Sloan Kettering right now. Maybe one of these weeks we will meet up. I will be back in 4 weeks. I “get” to go to another oncologist about an hour from my home on alternate weeks because we are now using the pump. And NYC takes me over 3 hours commute time to get here.
    And carolynle: thank you for the hopeful news. So far, I think chemo has eliminated the cancer in the lymph nodes. I just hope the direct to the tumor makes it disappear completely!
    I am getting occasional “twingy” pain at the tumor site, and my one oncologist says it’s probably scar tissue since the tumor has shrunk to 1/2 it’s mass. I sure hope that’s what the pain is from. And if so, I hope the pain continues until the tumor is gone.


    dr kris,

    my husband had the hepatic arterial infusion pump and he really had no problems with it. it did eliminate the “satelllite” tumors he had. God bless you. I hope you are doing well..


    Hi Massiel,

    Welcome to the site. And thank you so much for sharing your mum’s CC story with us all. That is an incredible and very exciting story that you have to share and I so look forward to hearing more about your mum. And i know that there are so many people here that will also look forward to hearing more from you as well.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Dear Massiel, welcome to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people in the world. I love waking up in the morning to such excellent news and it is so helpful for our members to hear these success stories. I so agree with you that sometimes our strength waivers but it does pop up again after a short break. Looking forward to hearing more about your Mom.


    Dear Massiel….thank you …thank you for popping in on us. What incredible, wonderful news you are sharing with us. Congratulations on the wonderful results your Mom is having. We are anxious to hear about anything you can share with us. A physician from Sloan had informed me that there was an ongoing clinical trial with this pump and that so far things appear to look very promising. Again, thank you for chiming in and please, continue to inform us.
    All my best wishes to your Mom for continued success and many thanks in advance for your contribution to this site.


    Hello Kris!! Keep your faith high!!! My mother has had CC for almost five years now, i will give you details of her history tomorrow bc right now i am on my cell and its too long to write, but decided to register just to let you know that see was cared for by dr fong!! Excellent physician, best by far! She has had her infusion pump for since the beging, same story as u, tumor too large to be resected, wrapped aroung veins. The pump decreased her tumor size from about the size of a newborns’ head to the size of a large egg, these were Dr Fongs actual words to my family and I!! After he first tried to operate he came out and told us that possible she only had four to six months to live with out the pump, and he put it in and here we are five years later!! So hold on strong, i wish u the best, we go to Sloan Kettering every ither monday for her chemo, shes holding on strong but it is sooo dificult at times but u just have to work urself right back up!! God bless u and good luck with the pump!!


    Hi Kris,

    This is great news indeed! Thank you so much for sharing it with us all. Tumour shrinkage is soo good to hear! It is great also to hear that you are feeling good and don’t have any side effects. I know that you will have enjoyed riding your motorbike, keep on riding it!!

    Best wishes,



    Hey CYCLE KRIS, what good news. You are something else. YIPEE! I am so happy for you, especially with numbers (growth) coming down not going up! Keep up the good work, I am not only happy for you I am extrememly proud of you and your positive attitude. This fighting, positive attitude seems prevelant among girls with the name Kris!

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