Mom is now in Hospice care

Discussion Board Forums Supportive, Palliative & Hospice Care Mom is now in Hospice care

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    Susan..Sensitive, sensitive, sensitive….you would want to confirm this with the physician. It appears that your Mom’s biliary obstruction is not allowing anything to pass through. Susan, it can get to the point that even Saliva will come up. Please speak with the physician and hospice nurse in regards to medication which is urgently needed. For instances such as these, a bypass procedure can be performed, but again this is something only the physician can order or agree to.
    I will send you an e-mail, the one associated with your Cholangiocarcinoma account. Please check your mail


    She did try drinking the watered down boost but it comes back up. When she gets nauseated, everything comes back including water. She went two days without vomiting but today my sister said she is vomiting again. I hate to see her suffer like this. There is no pattern of when she will get sick. It just comes with a force and she is so miserable.


    Susan….did your Mom drink the watered down boost and it then came back up? Does it happen with water also?


    Susan, I think Robin got me the Nutritional Water at CVS or Walmart. When I got so sick in February and they were giving me nutrients with an IV the most important were Potassium and Magnesium.


    Would that be Smart Water? If so I will see if I can find it. I didn’t even think of it. Even if it just has potassium and electrolytes it would help.

    I did speak to the Pharmacist and he just suggested that we dilute the Ensure clear or boost breeze down but even with that she couldn’t drink it..

    Thank you so much!!



    Susan, I just remembered there is a water out there that has nutrients in it. I know the Pharmacies would have it, can’t think of the name, sorry. My daughter had brought it to me. Or you could ask the Pharmacist what they could suggest that was not sweet.


    I’ have purchased every type of nutritional drink possible, she refuses them because the drinks are sweet and that makes her nauseated. I did ask the nurse if there was anything that was flavor free but she couldn’t think of anything.
    The only juice I have found she can tolerate is white grape juice and even that bothers at times.


    Susan, sent, hope it helps. Remember everyone is different, I know Teddy really followed it closely.
    Just want to say, one cannot survive on just water. Just happened to me with a Colitis attack. Almost starved myself to death. I was on water only for 3 weeks! Not being dramatic, its the truth. I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks. If she can drink water can she do any of the nutritional drinks, or even fruit juice. The body must have it’s nutrition and water just won’t cut it, so don’t believe those deserted island movies where they survive on water. They don’t. I am here almost all the time, questions feel free to email me. I do know what you are going through, BE STROMG!


    Hi Gavin, I did follow the link and thank you, it does help some to know what I should be looking for. Reading this does lead me to think possibly Mom has more time with us. There has been no black bile only water which is really about all she takes in. I’m just not sure how long a person can survive on water alone.

    Thanks again,


    Thank you all, she lives about 250 miles from me with my Aunt, my Aunt and Home hospice take care of her , I wish I could be with her more but I have to work. I took last week off to be with her but needed to return home this week. I did ask the hospice nurse if she could be over medicated but she said she didn’t think she was , she thought she was just adjusting to the changes they had to make in her medications to get the pain under control. She just doesn’t act herself and the change was so sudden.

    Lainy, if you could please send that to me I would appreciate it.

    Thank you all for your prayers they are needed and appreciated.


    speppers…..My heart is with you. Intermittent projectile vomiting and Cognitive impairment can be related to the bowel obstruction and often times signals end stage disease. Speppers, who is tending to your Mom? Is hospice personnel coming to her house?


    Dear Susan,

    I am so sorry to hear that things have reached this stage with your mum. This is such a very tough time for you right now and I went through this with my dad as well. My dad was in hospice care and I wrote a bit about his experiences here on the site. Should you wish to read about that you can do so here –

    I don’t know if any of that will be of use to you or not but I hope that it may help. If your mum is at home then I assume that she will have hospice nurses coming to see her every day, and they will be able to help with the questions that you have. My dad went into hospice care when his vomiting got really bad and they did everything that they possibly could to keep him as comfortable as they possibly could.

    Please remember that we are all here for you right now. My thoughts are with you Susan as you go through this and I wish you every strength.




    Dearest Susan, this is about what happened with my Teddy. If you like I can send you the “Last 10 Steps to the End”. I can send it through the Boards E Mail. I am so sorry but I know for me it helped as Teddy followed it pretty closely. I am so very sorry.


    Hi Susan,

    Your home hospice workers should be able to answer your questions as far as possible over-medication and what to look for near the end. My husband transitioned through in-house hospice and did not experience projectile vomiting so I cannot offer any insight there. Sending prayers.



    I don’t have any experiences with this but I’m sure many others will be along soon to offer their advice. I am sending prayers for you and your dear Mom.


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