My 73 Year Old Dad, Diagnosed 2 days ago with Advanced CholangioCarcin

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My 73 Year Old Dad, Diagnosed 2 days ago with Advanced CholangioCarcin

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    Thank You all for you words of truth and encouragement. I am very fortunate that my Parents live with us, so I can spend all the time I want with him.
    At this point, I am trying to accept the diagnosis, and trying to prepare and become stronger for him and my Mom. I cannot imagine my life without him, and feel helpless when it comes to comforting my Mother. They have a very special love that only comes once in a life time, so I do not know how she will cope. Sometimes it is as if, she comforts me more, because she talks to him and knows what his wishes are and what he is feeling. My Dad is not a talking man, and has a morbid sense of humor most of the time.
    He says he accepts the diagnosis, and he is not afraid of what is ahead of him. I wish I could be that strong. I love him dearly and will do whatever it takes.
    As for the Chemo, I do not beleive he would agree to that, and were told that it would not make a difference anyways. My focus would be on trying to relieve the pain and discomfort, to let him enjoy all the time he has left.
    I will keep everyone posted on the outcome of the Endoscopic procedure, and I only hope that they can offer him some relief.

    God Bless All and Keep up the Fight.

    Love Lisa


    oh Lisa, so so sorry about your dad. i suggest that you talk to his doctors to try to get his horrible symptoms under control. pain and vomiting can be treated and often treated successfully. if his vomit is dark, he may have a bowel blockage.

    i am currently taking oxycontin for pain and zofran for nausea. fortunately for me, i rarely vomit. there are other medications to try if the first ones your dad is treated with don’t work. as it’s been said here many times, our bodies react differently to medications and treatments.

    wishing your dad relief and sending you good thoughts as you begin this journey.

    xoxo, barb


    Hello Lisa,
    welcome to the site!
    How old is your Dad?
    I lost my Mum earlier this year to CC. She was 68 when she died.
    I’m really sorry to hear about your Dad. I echo Jeff, no point in beating about the bush, it doesn’t sound too promising. I really feel for you. It is so frightening to be the receiver of such bad news. I remember feeling scared beyond belief when my Mum was diagnosed.
    However, each case is different, and I agree with Jeff, being positive and supportive is what matters. And make the most of your Dad!! I’m sure I am not alone in wishing I had done this/that/the other, while Mum was still here. When you have recovered from the shock of diagnosis, move forward, and make the most of ANY time you have with your Dad, and love him, and be there for him!
    I don’t have any words of wisdom to offer apart from what I have said!
    Just sorry that you and your family have to go through this. Much love to you all,


    Hi Lisa Ann, So sorry to hear about your Dad. I’ll cut to eh chase and say it sounds as though your Dad is not doing so well. However, if they can place a stent and get his bile flowing half way normal he will feel better. I wish I could give you some words of advise but until they fully know the extent of your Dad’s condition it’s really hard. Stay positive as possible, plenty of love and support goes without saying. I am not as old as your dad and have CC in liver, both lungs, ribs, and tailbone. I’m still looking for a cure or some type of miracle from above. I would say my CC was found fairly early and have been battling for 8.6 years. Have hope and pray that they can do something for him. They may ask if you want to try Chemo. At your Dad’s age I would think twice about that. Weigh all your options before deciding wich way to go. Take time to read some of the Family Blogs on this site and it will give you a general idea of what you can expect. Just click on wiki above and when that page comes up look down bottom right and click on family blogs. I really think this will enlighten you of what many have and are doing to fight this disease. God Bless You and Your Dad and I hope they are able to give him some relief soon.


    Hi All,

    I guess I am here the same as everyone else, for support. My Dad, My Hero, was just diagnosed with Advanced CholangioCarcinoma. He also has a large mass in his Stomach as well as Liver and Lymph Node Involement.

    Currently in the past month he has lost 25 pounds, has no appetite, vomits all the time, and is in pain in his abdomen and back. He is scheduled to undergo an endoscopic procedure this coming Wednesday to confirm the severity of the disease. They are also hoping to place a stent in the bile duct to relieve some of the pressure.

    Any comment or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks Lisa

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