My Best Friend…my Mom!!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Best Friend…my Mom!!

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    Hi Cericksen,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry as well to hear about your mum. But you have come to the best place for support and help and I know that you will get so much of each from everyone here. Your mum is going through so much right now and I know that this is such a tough time for you both. I know that it is hard to watch a parent go through this and I was there with my dad when he went through his fight with CC.

    Like you, I have no idea if the asparagus is the reason for your mums bili levels falling. But I hope that they do continue to fall down to 8 or less so that your mum can undergo the chemo here. I wish that I could help you more with that, but I will keep my fingers crossed for further falls here.

    I’m glad that you’ve joined us here as we so know what you are going through, and if we can help in any way then please just ask. Don’t give up hope, stay strong and please keep us updated on how your mum gets on. We are here for you and we care.

    Best wishes to you and your mum,



    Cericksen-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor due to 2 liver trnasplants!! Like your mom I was inoperable and stage 4 on July 31,2008 and now I will be 3 years cancer free on May 24, 2012!!!!!! My journey was not easy but I am here, so I know it could have been a lot worse. I had 10 ERCPs before I received my first transplant.
    Please read my story on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan). There is 2 CC transplant stories on my page. (If you don’t FB go to under christmas miracle.) There is HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Hi Lainy,

    Thanks so much for your post. I’m sorry to hear about your daughters friend. It’s just not fair is it!! My Mom is currently being treated at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. They are not able to do surgery because the cancer is in her bile duct. They also suspect that there is cancer in her bile ducts…within her liver. Their only option at this point is chemo and radiation followed by a liver and bile duct transplant. She does have 2 stints in her bile ducts currently which they’ve replaced 3 times. This last time they put in larger stints to see if that would work. Her next appointment is April 13th and we’re hoping the her bilirubin levels will go down. I’ll post an update!


    Dear Cericksen, welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to join us. I am so sorry for what your Mom is having to go through as if the CC is not enough!
    My first thought is to get another opinion. Where is your Mom being treated? Does she have a stent in now? What you are doing now certainly won’t hurt anything but to date surgery is the only known cure for CC. My daughter’s BF has Lymphoma and went the whole Natural Pathic route including IV’s of Vitamin C. He spent 50,000 over 2 years with a Natural P. Doc and his Lymphoma has just returned with a vengence. So, guess I am truly now more Scientific about treatment then Natural. Keep on with your good attitude, HOPE and Faith and please keep us posted as we truly care.


    Dear Cericksen,

    First and Foremost, you are an amazing daughter.

    I recently lost my mother to her battle March 17. She made it 19.5 months and I was really proud of her. I am not sure about the asparagus, but if it is working and she does not mind, then go for it. I have a wonderful woman who helped me with my mother if you are interested?

    I believe in something bigger, some spiritual being larger than us, and despite the pain you are going through, some how everything has a way of working out. I know my mother has passed physically, but I feel her with me, and interesting enough, I feel less lonely.

    I am here if you ever need to talk. My email is or you can find me on facebook.

    Please stay in touch and know I am sending you tons of love and hugs,
    Roni Dinkes


    My Mom was diagnosed in October with cholangiocarinoma. After a stint punctured her small intestine (the stint was too long), she has been battling one infection after another. She is on a feeding tube and has lost a lot of weight and now weighs 98 pounds. She has a lot of energy but gets tired often. In November they found cancer in her bile duct. She needs chemo, radiation and then a liver and bile duct transplant. But because the hospital made a mistake and punctured her small intestine, she hasn’t been able to take chemo until all the infection is gone. Well, the infection is now gone but 2 weeks ago they told us that her bilirubin levels are too high and they can’t give her chemo. If they wouldn’t have made this mistake in October, she would have already had chemo! They said there’s nothing else they can do for her unless her bilirubin levels go down. Well, I read something on the internet about asparagus curing cancer and at this point, we’re trying anything. I’ve been putting asparagus in her feeding tube for 2 weeks and her bilirubin have gone down from 19.6 to 14. It needs to be down to 8 for them to do chemo. I have no idea if the asparagus is the reason, but maybe it’s somehow shrinking the cancer in her liver and allowing the bile ducts to open in the liver to expel the bilirubin? I also know that My God is a bigger God than all of this and we don’t know his plan but we have to trust him!!

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