My Dad passed

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion My Dad passed

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    Dearest Pam, Please accept our heartfelt Sympathies & Prayers to your Family.
    Your dad was a very special dad andhe was so very ucky to have his family wlak this journey with him. He is now at Peace with no pain and I am sure he is smiling down on all of you!


    I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like your dad had a beautiful and peaceful passing and in the end that is something so special and priceless. I wish we could all go in the same manner.

    I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.



    I am very sorry to hear about that. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.


    Hi all, my beautiful strong dad died peacefully last night. We made him comfortable and talked to him right up until his last breath. It was an honor to take care of him and we loved him dearly.

    I want to thank you all for your support over the last several months. You are all so inspirational and brave. Good luck to everyone and God Bless. You will probably hear from me from time to time in the future. Love, Pam

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