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    thank you all for the support

    i will let you know what I decide to done about Moms Care


    Nancy…… I am worried about you. You carry much on your shoulders. Are you receiving any help? Your Mom


    Dear Nancy,
    Bless you for being such a loving and devoted daughter and caregiver for your mom.

    I took care of my husband in the home, but his care was also part of the hospice services. Hospice came to check on him, make sure he had the appropriate bed, and monitored his medicines. Hospice was able to take a bit of the mental strain off of me and let me focus on my husband.

    Thinking of you,


    Hi Nancy. I just want to say that Hospice is not about giving up but rather to make the patient more comfortable and ease things up for you. In fact once a prognosis has been given they can be called up to a year before really needed. As for the ‘thunder’ in Mom’s ears it could be a form of tinitis, but I would let the doctor know. Best wishes for your family.


    No we have not called Hospice, my sibling think it is a sign of giving up. For as long as possible I will care for my Mom. I have just about given up my job only now working about 3 hours a week from full time.
    Mom is very confused. Not all the time and not all day long but she having trouble remembering, understanding and sometimes her attitude is terrible. Almost always her anger is aimed at me. I guess that is the priviledge of being the care giver. I am not complaining just trying to give you all a understanding of where we are at.
    Today Mom has “noise” that sounds like thunder in her ears.
    anyone have any idea what this is
    again thanks in advance


    Nancy, did you ever call Hospice. You should not be going through this so alone with no help from anywhere. Congratulations on your Grandson’s Baptism. God sure has that balancing act down doesn’t he? One life prepares to leave and a new life is sent down. Hope eveerything goes well at the Hospital. Take care!


    It seems like every day brings another problem. Some small and easy to deal with others overwhelming. My sister spent the weekend with my Mom as I went to my new Grandson Baptism. Mom was very quiet the whole time I was gone. On Monday she was very emotional cried and begged to not leave her, I am her care giver and explained I was going no place.

    She is dying each and everyday a piece at a time. This is so hard to watch. I pray that she enjoy the time she has left and be at peace with the wonderful life she has had.
    This may sound cold to many of you, but watching a parent die is brutal.
    We are off to the hospital today because there may be an issue with her drain.
    We just cant seem to have any uneventful days any more.
    As a care giver I am stressed beyond belief. I am also the messager to my sibling who are not dealing well and the saddness in their voices makes this harder
    thanks for the chance to vent………..


    nanjvd….you have shown incredible strenthts all along and I just know that you will continue to be strong. Lean on us. We are in this together.
    Hang in there.
    All my best wishes,


    Nancy, PLEASE be strong, I know you are going through a lot but pull that inner strength up by the bootstraps. I am not a doctor unless you count Gut 101, but a red tongue sounds like an allergic reaction? I also would get her back to the hospital as quickly as you can, we don’t like bleeding. I am sending you tons of cyber strength! And a few hugs on the side.


    she does not want to go

    i will try again in the am. she has gone to bed already

    thanks for listening

    i feel that I am beginning to fall apart and I cant


    nanjvd….I am so sorry to hear this. Please, call the physician and take your Mom back to the Hospital.


    and now a bed sore and bleeding when she urinates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    nanjvd…..we have seen bleeding ulcers and varicies on this site also. Don’t know about the red tongue though. Hopefully someone else can share some light on this.
    All my best wishes,


    Mom finally got out of the hospital after 10 days.
    Her liver enzimes are good the bilinary drain is working.
    Now for the not so good, she is bleeding internally someplace most likely her colon. They have to stop her blood thinner because with the bleeding she has already had a few transfusions. She has a history os afib so this is a problem
    Now for the question Moms tongue is bright red. Looks like she just sucked a red lollipop. Does anybody know about this


    Hi Nancy,

    You keep on venting as much as you want to, nothing wrong with that at all. We know the situation that you are in right now and what you are going through, and it is tough. We are all here for you. How is your mum doing today, is she feeling any better?

    Best wishes to you and your mum,


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