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    Aw, Nancy, I am so sorry to hear this. The ONC not calling back is not acceptable! Nancy, be strong! I know it’s tough right now but it is the best way to get through it all. Thinking of you and sending prayers for your Mom.


    well the oNC never called back but Mom primary care md told me to take her to the hospital. they are keeping her there because they thinbk she may have had a heart attack.. it just never ends


    Hi Nancy, this is a tough one to answer because as many members as we have, everyone seems to go through in different levels. It is really too hard to predict however, please know that whomever you are working with be it a Doctor or even Hospice there are many pain meds that seem to handle pain if it occurs. I understand how you feel but there are just some things that are not text book. Actually with CC, I don’t know too much that is textbook!


    can any one answere this?

    as Mom disease progresses waht kind of pain and will she experience?

    i am jsut trying to be prepared


    My mom just started palliative care, the came to the house yesterday. She felt the same way about Hospice…as I feel the same way too. I watch my father go through hospice, it wasn’t fun, but they were very helpful. This was also about 20 years ago. The difference the doctors told us was that with palliative care you can continue your treatments, you just need to be housebound. With hospice care you can no longer be receiving treatments.

    The nurse was so sweet that came to the house yesterday. However, they spent too much time with my mom. She wants them in and out. However, my mom feels that she can do a lot more than she actually can.


    the oxi does help Mom with these new current pain.

    as for Hospice it is her inability to deal with it not mine. Mom lives with me and I have siblings so for as long as I can I will take care of her. She currently still socoilizes with some cousin on a limited basis, she gets tired much more easily but she is not confine to bed because of her cancer and or any pain she has.
    My concern was the spots on her lungs and if this new pain can be that.
    As of now the ONC has still not called me back and that is very stressful. I will call her and her primary care physician in the AM.
    Gemuzar is what she is considering stopping. She has had nerve pain when on that Chemo and has spent 10 days twice in the hospital because of the pain issue.
    thanks for all your posts
    and i am sorry i needed to find you but thrilled that i did



    Hello and welcome to our site. I agree with Lainy and Gavin that your Mom will need to have care adequate care. You are mentioning no further treatments, are you referring to the Gemzar she is receiving presently? Is she experiencing side effects from the chemotherapy?
    Quality of life may require some sort of treatment although, not curative, but palliative.

    Like your Mom, my husband did not want to be in hospice care as to him it represented the end of his life and he simply was not going there. The reality though, as Lainy and Gavin have mentioned, hospice offers comfort care or palliative care, or supportive care for symptom management. The goal is to prevent or treat symptoms caused by the disease or the side effects related to treatment of the disease. It will stay in place for a maximum of six months (I have seen it way beyond that) and can always be withdrawn.

    These are questions you would want to discuss with the oncologist. You already are acquiring knowledge. This knowledge will allow you to make informed decisions. I am confidant that you will support your Mom to the fullest.

    Your post addresses one issue most important to all of us and I am hoping for others to chime in also and share their thoughts with you too.

    All my best wishes,


    Hi Nanjvd,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your mum. But I am glad that you have joined us all here as you have come to the right place for support and help, and you will get a ton of support from all of us here.

    What pain med is your mum on right now and is this med working for the new pains that you say your mum is experiencing right now? As Lainy has said to you, there are a ton of meds out there that will help with pain and hopefully your mums ONC will be able to help with this more when you get the return call. Also, you have the option of taking your mum to an A&E to see if they can help with this pain. We are not doctors, so we can not say what this pain is exactly, but there are so many pain meds out there that will help keep your mum comfortable.

    I know how you feel when you hear the word Hospice and I can understand your reaction to that. But hospice will help here with keeping your mum comfortable so that she can have the best quality of life. My dad went through hospice care and I have nothing but good things to say about how they cared for him and kept him as comfortable as was humanly possible.

    Please let us know what the onc says when they call back. We are all here for you so please feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will do what we can to help in answering them. We know what you are going through right now and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    I have called her oncologist this AM. Waiting for her retuen call
    As for the pain relievre I have what works for her. This was my concern this is a new pain something that she did not have before. What does this mean for her?
    As for Hospice just that word will cause her to lose all will to live so for now that is a no go.

    I appreciate your insight


    Dearest Nanjvd, welcome to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people in the world. I am very sorry to hear about your Mom but I totally agree with you given her age although that is my own personal opinion. Have you notified her ONC of the pain in her chest and back?
    There are so many pain relievers and she may be in need of them now. I also want to tell you not to be afraid to call upon Hospice. With the doctors orders, they will come out up to a year to make things easier for the patient and for the care giver. If, down the road you feel they are not needed you can always cancel and have them come again later. This is the time now to spend making more wonderful memories to cherish later. Sending my best wishes to all of you.


    Mom was diagonaised with CC in early March. She is 80 years old
    She was treated at Sloan in NYC. We left Sloan because of many issues one being their total lack of respect for the patient wishes.
    We are now using an oncologist in Brick NJ. The treatment is the same as at Sloan, Genzuar.
    Mom just had a CT scan and it cancer has spread to her lungs.
    She is now expereinceing pressure in her chest and upper back
    We are at the point where she may stop her tyreatmenst so that her quality of life is better than her quanitity

    any insights

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