New chemo treatment problems

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    Thank you for the two links. I just finished reading them.

    I’ve been home a couple hours now from getting the 2nd blood transfusion today (Sunday). Thank goodness for those angel nurses who work on their Sundays to provide services like this to patients who need hem.

    Right now, I am running a very mild, half -degree temp with slight chill, but they said that wasn’t unusual after a blood transfusion. I think the discharge papers said that a temp increase of two degrees is cause for going back to the ER. Otherwise, this morning, my husband said that I seemed, “Perkier.” :) I was able to do a little more without breathing hard, but I didn’t know if it was really the transfusion from yesterday helping already, or a sort of placebo effect.

    My husband must think I’m doing okay, because he just took off for a bicycle ride. Actually I feel good enough to go out myself….but to a store. Will start by walking to the car to see if I get short of breath.

    Have had more than my share of pneumonia over the years. In 2013 alone, I think I had pneumonia at least 2 times and then in Jan this year just before being diagnoses with CC. That little grandson of mine, who I babysat 2 days a week, kept catching bugs at day care (where he was the other 3 days) and infecting me. Sigh. Yes….it was GOOD to hear that there was no pneumonia or anything they could see on an x-ray.

    As for the platelets, I believe that my local oncologist will hold off on any chemo next Wednesday, August 13th, due to the numbers being lower than acceptable for chemo. It’s possible that they may rise up to the required 80 mark by then, but if my platelets had been at 80 at the start of this last chemo, I would have been 70 in the hole….as the platelet drop this round has been over 150. Yikes. The on-call oncologist did not want to do a platelet transfusion at this time. Actually, my husband and I have discussed the situation. At the very least, we are going to not do chemo next Wednesday and give my body a rest to see if the numbers (esp the kidney function ones) will rebound to something less scary. We may even opt out for 2 weeks…or at least wait to see what the counts are. At this point, while I hate to feel like I’ve been defeated by not doing the last round, the oncologist reminded me that I have 5 in the bag, and there is nothing magical about the number 6. I know that I, and others, feel that we have to be “perfect” and by not doing that last round, we’re giving less than our best and a failure…wimping out. That’s how I was brought up. Believe me…..I push myself farther than most people do….I’m the first to jump off the high diving board…..terrified, but first. This is a “head game” for me at this point, …to weight the risks and benefits. Right now, the question has to be how much good that last round of chemo would actually be compared to the permanent damage it might do. (kidney numbers). I think my local oncologist has my best interests at heart…..and she may be the one who makes the final decision, though she has as of yet, left the ball in my court. I hate it when there isn’t a clear cut decision. But when there isn’t, we have to decide based on all the facts and risks and then gamble that we’ve done the right thing. Sometimes, we get lucky……in that the end result is good and the same no matter which way we choose. If this chemo was clear cut….that we KNEW it killed off CC cancer cells, it would be a no-brainer. Unfortunately, the jury is still out on that one.

    Well, I see I’ve again used the forum to think things through…..for me, this does help. Alas, this time, I have to say that I still don’t have an answer. For now….I just want the red blood cell transfusions to make me feel better and then see where we go from here.

    Julie T



    Sorry to hear of everything that you are going through at the moment and hope that your med team get things turned around asap. Can’t help with personal experiences on this as my dad never went through that and the chemo etc but here is a link on platelet transfusions that I hope is useful to you.

    Glad as well to hear that you do not have pneumonia, my mum had that a few years ago and it was not good at all, huge understatement in fact! Hope things get sorted for you asap!




    Definitely a bump in the road. I’m sorry that everything seems to be an obstacle right now but keep fighting Julie….


    Julie, COME ON! Enough of your shenanigans already! Seriously, try using the Search engine and just type in low Platelets. I know a ton of posts have to come up for you. I also know this is not uncommon and many who have been through this get everything where it needs to be and then they start again with the chemo. It’s another bump in the road but can be smoothed over. I know it must be scary and so not fair when you have been putting up with so much already. Also remember that even though you may be off of chemo a few weeks you have had enough so that it keeps cook’in. Pretend the transfusion tomorrow morning is a Bloody Mary! Thinking of you!!


    For the past week, my legs have been swelling and I’ve had pretty bad shortness of breath. I’m on Warfarin for the previous blood clots. in May, so it wasn’t likely blood clots, but the oncollogist on call today said that sometimes the therapy doesn’t work…..rare…but happens. So, off to the ER at noon to be checked out.

    After an xray to rule out pneumonia and heart enlargement (negative) and an ultrasound to check for new leg blood clots (neg) it was decided that the blood tests told the story.

    On July 30th on my 2nd infusion of round 5 Gem/Cis, my hemoglobin was 9.1. Two days later at Mayo, it was 8.6. Today….it was 7.2!!!!

    It was decided that I would get two units of blood…one today and one tomorrow (the dept was only going to be open long enough at that point to do one unit). The other option was to stay overnight in the hospital, which I agreed to do, but the oncologist opted for outpatient . We got home about 7:30 p.m…..and will go back again tomorrow at 9 a.m. to do the 2nd transfusion of packed red blood cells.

    They accessed my port….and while she did a pretty good job, there was no time for numbing cream…and sometimes just pushing on the port hurts ….it was put in wonky. So, I wasn’t a happy camper, but my experience with the local people is that they try upwards of 5-8 times to start an Iv in my arm….so I agreed to the port access. We left it in….so I won’t have to at least redo it tomorrow, but I’m sure I won’t sleep all that well tonight.

    My local oncologist had wanted me to have a “serious talk” with my Mayo oncologist about stopping the chemo because my side effects were becoming harder and lasting longer. I’m still dry heaving each morning.. I can deal with that., but I was becoming worried about my kidney numbers., which were suddenly just out of the normal range….and trending a midge further each test. The Mayo guy said no chemo unless it came back into the normal range. So, here we are. I don’t see that happening. anytime soon because today, that number was a midge further out of range,. ( .1)

    Platelets were another story. They were 214 on July 30, about 160 ish on August 1…and today…they had dropped to 50. This number is too low for me to have chemo right now as well…..I believe I was told it has to be at least 80. It could bounce up enough, but, I don’t know at this point if it is worth pushing to do round 6, just to say I did it.

    Anybody been in this position before?

    Julie T.

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