New member – Laura

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New member – Laura

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  • #85221

    Please excuse me. The dose of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) is 5 gm twice
    The active medicines are Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) and Curcumin


    Please don’t forget to run LFT and tumor markers everymonth to check the profress of treatment.


    Hi Laura,
    My wife had similar situation and the doctor recommend adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy. we compared the positve and negative effects of these adjuvant therapy. Finally with the inspiration of others successive story, we decided to follow some herbal medicine combinations which showing very good positive response. These combination includes
    1. Curcumin – 500 mg twice at the begining, later one per day
    2. Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) 5mg twice a day with high quality Indian/New Zeland honey
    3. Legaloon (Milk thistle/Silybum marianum) 2 tabs/day
    4. Green tea (Camellia sinensis) ; 300-400 mg polyphenols-epigallo catechin gallate/day
    5. Pomegranate juice- once/twice per day
    6. Goosberry juice-once per day
    7. Orange/Grapes fruit juice-once/twice day
    8. All types of fresh fruits and vegetables with high antioxidants (mangostein, strawberries, brocoli, carrot etc) except grapes.
    These combination definetly works which depend on the quantity and how we take. It also depends, how fast you take after the diagnosis. This can be try also along with other treatments.
    If you require any further details, please contact me


    Hi Laura,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us here but glad that you have joined as you are so in the best place for everything to do with CC and we are here for you. Thanks for sharing what has been going for you and I am very glad that you were able to have surgery as so many people are not able to do so. I so hope that your recovery improves as you say that it has been tough so far. And please let us know how that goes and what the onc says as well to chemo and all of that.

    I know you will have lots of questions, we all do! Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help in answering them. We don’t have all the answers but we’ll do our best for you!

    Glad that you have de-lurked, I always like it when people de-lurk and join in with us all, we don’t bite! Keep coming back and please know that we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you,




    Congratulations on qualifying and having surgery!! It really is something we all dream of. I can only imagine the recovery, however, and I’m so happy to hear that you are keeping such a great attitude through all of this. I, too, have good days and bad days. I’m only 3 months into my diagnosis and the fear of the “unknown” really gets to me at times. But I’ve learned to focus on what I DO know and just take it the old “day at a time”. I have found this site to be my best resource for information, guidance, and support. I haven’t posted much myself but the advice I’ve read has been invaluable! I wish you a speedy and easy recovery from your surgery :-)



    Laura you are on the right track as knowledge is our best too to fight with. We have a Search engine at the top and if you type in any word up will come posts on that subject. Also here are some important links for you to peruse. We do know exactly how you feel. Once you are healed and begin a treatment plan I promise you the fright will turn to fight.
    Free complimentary Book or e-mail download:
    Biliary drainage – stent information card
    Register for a CURE
    The International Cholangiocarcinoma Registry


    Hi Lainy, thank you so much for the warm welcome. I believe you’re right about the members here. I “lurked” a few days before joining! lol I strongly feel that a good attitude is important when it comes to battling any disease and I see it here. I have good days and bad days. I think I’m still trying to get over the shock and realizing life has forever changed for me. I will definitely keep everyone updated as soon as I find out more. I’m still learning about this so I’m sure I’ll have a lot of questions.


    Dear Laura, welcome to our family where you will find the best support for CC. It may be too soon to realize this but you got the best treatment by having surgery. So, you get a big YIPPEE from me to you. I also want to say what a fabulous surgeon you had in that he realized he could not handle this surgery and sent you to someone who could. It is a long recovery but take each day at a time and one day you will wake up and say, I really feel good today. I am glad you are trying to be “up” as attitude means everything in healing and going onward. BTW October 1 is my anniversary date for a cancer surgery and this is 5 years so I believe OCT 1 is a winning date. Thank you for the nice things you said about our members they are fantastic. Yes, that is life, the good, the bad, the ugly and we even throw in a bunch of jokes here and there. Laughing is good. Please keep us updated on your progress as we truly care! Again YIPPEE!


    My cholangiocarcinoma was found by accident during a hysterectomy. My gyno noticed part of my liver didn’t look quite right and after further investigation and testing it was determined that I had cancer on my liver and gallbladder. I can still remember the pain in my husband’s eyes as he told me what they had found. I was referred to an oncologist and a surgeon. After a PET scan, a date was set to resection my liver and remove my gallbladder. On the morning of my surgery, the surgeon called and stated that he did not feel qualified enough to resection my liver being that it may be more than he had initially thought. I was crushed! However, now I’m glad he did. I was referred to MUSC (South Carolina). There I met with a couple of doctors who explained that I had cholangiocarcinoma. They said that based on further testing that I had had (more scanning) that my chances looked good that they would be able to ‘cure’ me of this horrible disease. They also mentioned that there was always the possibility that the cancer had spread. I had my surgery on 10/1. The medical team re-sectioned my liver, removed my gallbladder and the surrounding nodes. Unfortunately, as they were finishing up, they found a tiny nodule; which was also removed. Again, I was crushed. These past few weeks of recovering from this surgery have been so difficult. I still have to meet with the oncologist to see what kind of treatment plan I’m going to have. I try hard to remain optimistic, but it’s so difficult. I pray everyday for strength and courage. I’m glad I found this site. This is the only site I found where people were uplifting and encouraging in spite of the sadness and despair.

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