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    Hi Saint Salt,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry also to hear what you’re going through right now. But glad that yu have joined in with us all as you have come to the best place for support and help, and you’ll get a load of both form everyone here.

    My dads CC was also deemed inoperable after his diagnosis due to the location of the tumour, too close to the portal artery. And I just wanted to say that I agree with what the others have said to you about seeking a second opinion, or even a third or more if you want to. My dad also had a stent, a metal one and he got a bit of pain from that that was able to be controlled with meds. What meds are you taking for your pain? If you are having a lot of pain then maybe this is something you could discuss with your doctors asap to see about chaning the pain meds.

    We are all here for you. I f we can help in any way then we will, so please feel free to ask any questions that you have and we’ll do what we can to help in answering them. And please stay in touch and let us know hpw you get on with everything, we care.

    Best wishes,



    Eli, thanks, and Gerry too. I remember now when Teddy woke up from his Whipple his Ampulla was missing.


    Saint Salt

    Welcome to the forum.

    I agree with Lainy and Gerry. In and by itself, tumor location in the Ampulla of Vater does not preclude surgery. Whipple is the type of surgery that would be required in this case. All patients who undergo Whipple for extrahepatic CC have their Ampulla removed.

    There must be another reason they said no to surgery. Cancer spread or involvement of major arteries. I second Gerry’s suggestion. Get more details from your doctors and seek a second opinion.

    Please keep us posted.

    Best wishes,


    Saint Salt
    I also wish to welcome you to this forum. You will finds lots of support here. As I understand it, the fact that the tumour is located in the Ampulla would not in itself prohibit the resection. Perhaps there is another reason why your medical team have decided not to proceed – has the cancer spread or is it located too close to important arteries? I would suggest you get more details from your medical team and get a 2nd opinion. Please come back often and keep us updated.



    Dear saint salt, welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to find us. The Ampulla of Vater is exactly where my husband had his CC. He had a Whipple surgery with clean margins as the CC was contained in the bile duct valve that connects the bile duct system to the Pancreas. That area is the Ampulla of Vater. That was 7 years ago and it bought him 6 years. Because of where it was located he was told that chemo/RAD would not do the job and as is the case with most CC, surgery is the best option. Teddy had no pain but was stented for Jaundice. I guess the questions I have is have you sought out another opinion? Are your doctors experienced with treating CC and where are you being treated? Has the ONC given you anything for pain and could the pain be from the stents and not the CC? Can you give us any more info about your diagnosis?


    saint salt…welcome to our site. Please forgive me for asking this question: Have you been diagnosed with Ampullary cancer or with bile duct cancer. Although similar there is a distinct difference in regards to these cancers. Are you responding to pain medications?



    I am a 63 old female with non-resectable cc. My doctors say it is in the ampulla so there is no hope for surgery. I just returned from the hospital with my fifth stent. I have a lot of pain, frustration and wonder as to how much it is all worth. I am scheduled to begin chemo-radiation on Monday.

    Anyone out there that has experienced the ampulla thing? Also, do you have much pain. It seems I have a lot!

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