Wow, am I fortunate to find such a sight. Mom, 77 years young, was diagnosed 10/17/13, Stage 3/4 – 25mm marker at the bifurcation of the liver bile duct with a PLBN tumor in the pancreatic duct. From what I am reading she doesn’t appear to be as advanced as the majority of you. They gave us an extremely grim prognosis, but after reading your stories of strength amoung yourselves and/or your family members you have given me some fresh air to breathe in, thank you. She had to have a stent placed which became occluded immediately so a Y metal mesh stent had to replace it. She will start her 3rd round of Gemzar/Cisplatin next week and then repeat scans soon after. Her blood work is looking better as we go along. I was most concerned about her ALKP being elevated for so long, but after reading DukeNukems post, I’m feeling ok about it. Her bilirubin had been extremely high which has affected her short term memory, they say that that is permanent. We take it day by day because each day is truly a gift.
She is Doctoring in the Mayo System out of Rochester, MN. We live in Austin, MN – which is 40 minutes from Rochester – fortunately the Doctors come to Austin, she has a great team. They have been extremely accessible and informative.