We were right to be skeptical about insurance approval. There was a mixup in communication, and we’re still in the appeals process. In the meantime our surgeon at Duke and a radiologist have reviewed Gary’s scan and are recommending SBRT. Coincidentally that is the procedure Dr. Kennedy said looked like a good match for Gary when we had a consult with him for possible SIRT. So we have an appt. at Duke on Tuesday and also found out the SBRT is 100% covered by our insurance. It looks like our move to FL is off for awhile – whatever it takes!
Gary’s endo/colon scopes yesterday were clear except to prove that bile is leaking into his stomach and is probably the cause of his nauseated feeling. The dr. gave him Questran to help bind the bile and flush it away. Does anyone have experience with that?
I’ve done a search on this site for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy(SBRT) but would appreciate anything new anyone can add.
Lainy, praying for your surgery at the end of the month – know you’ll come through with flying colors! Is Cyberknife the same as SBRT except without the robotic arm? I know Ted had Cyberknife. Things get so confusing after hours on the computer doing research.
Best wishes and prayers to everyone, Elaine and Gary