Odd ideas and cachexia

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Odd ideas and cachexia

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  • #6524

    Dear friends,

    My impression is that my sister (I-CC, stage IV, 49 yrs) is tolerating very well chemotherapy (two cycles). However, there a couple of things I’d like to share here. Firstly, we have noticed that she might have slightly odd ideas and comments and become too talkative. Is it possible that chemo affects somehow on her behaviour?. Has anyone has a similar experience?. Secondly, altough I see that she is doing well she seems to suffer cachexia (a rapid loss of weight, appetite and energy). This might be as a result of the chemotherapy but it worries me that this could be a sign of a fatal stage in her illness. I’d like to know your opinion, in general, about these signs.


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