off to see the grandchildren

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    Have a wonderful time, Wendy!!




    Have a great trip and I hope you enjoy your time with all your family.

    Best wishes



    thanks guys I will see you all soon


    Wendy, of course he counts as a Radman! One might ask what you did to deserve all this attention! Oddly we would love it if we had no attention of this kind!
    You have a wonderful visit with the family. Last Friday night my daughter came over and brought dinner with 2 of her 4 kids. You would have thought I had won the lottery. I used to think I wanted to take a bite when they were babies but honestly this is awesome at this teen stage. Lexy who is 17 was having a talk with us about when I was married to Brand Ex! She was sitting between Teddy and me and she turns to T and says, “Papa I am so glad you are our Papa”. We are so very lucky. In the kingdom of CC I hereby order you to have a blast with the kids!!! And feel good, its the best RX there is.


    Dear Kris,
    I live somewhere nice and warm with beaches and a pool, people who live here call it pardise, Carins Tropical North QLD. So the kids live at the other end of the country in Melbourne, its famous for having 4 seasons in one day. Packing is a bit of challenge.

    I will spoint the grandkids rotten.


    Enjoy those grandbabies! MAke sure you spoil them rotten and do everything that mommy and daddy says no to. And then just smile!

    When my dad said i could not leave the table until I ate my fish (aa fate certainly worse than death. fish is nasty!), my grandma would come back into the kitchen and throw it away and hide it at the bottom of the trashcan. I still have such tender feelings towards her and only revealed it to my parents about a year ago. It was such a good secret!

    Are you going somewhere nice and warm with a beach? If so, take a nice long swim and taste the salt on your lips and then come back and tell me how wonderful it was. It is already terribly dark and cold in Sweden and I need to live through someone else.

    Take care and have fun.



    Dear All,
    I follow with interst everyday what is happening to you all.

    I am off on Friday to visit with my children and grand children will be back in three weeks.

    Ron if you log on to chat and I am not there do not worry I will be back.

    My recent PET and CT scans showed no CC in liver or lymph nodes but small metastases in bone. Hmm I now have 2 liver specialist, 1 oncologist, 1 Radiotherapy oncologist (Does that count as a RadMan Lainy?) 1 surgeon, GP oh and lets not forget the counsellor. All this for a person who if very unlucky would visit a Dr once a year. its a bit mind boggling.

    Anyway I am not sure when the radio therapy is going to start so don’t really know when I will be home (have to have it 2,000klms from home) but I will be taking my laptop so will be checking up on you all.

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