Possible Upcoming Surgery

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  • #16922

    Thanks so much Kris, Jeff, Patrice and all the caring people here. You’re all like angels to me. Great advice Jeff and I won’t forget it for Charlie. Going Fri. to UNC for TACE procedure as precursor to left lobectomy in a month or so. Thanks for the blessings of your friendship, positive thoughts and prayers and I wish and pray the same for you all!



    Good luck with the surgery. We will all be awaiting the post-op news. Sending healing thoughts your way. Patrice


    Carol, Good to hear the news of a proactive surgeon. I surely hope all goes well with emobolization and resection. I really believe removing what can be removed safely is benficial, although this cancer is considered systemic if you stay on top of it and attack it where ever it arises I personally feel your ahead of the battle. It’s so important to do the 3 month Scans or when ever you feel pain else where so it can be dealt with appropriately. In my case twice this past year it mets. So some 3-D conformal radiation put things to rest both times. Keep that positive attitude Rolling.
    God Bless your whole family!
    Jeff G.


    Well, a certainly will be keeping you in my thoughts and pray that it is resectable soon. Good news is wonderful. Stay strong and positive.



    Thank you Kate. I know you’re still missing your Mum. I hope you are getting out into the “land of the living” and working your way back. You Mum sounded like the greatest Mom ever. Losing mine 30 years ago…there’s still an empty space that can never be filled, but life has progressed along with or without me.

    Thinking of you,


    I hope that the glimmer of light becomes dazzling for you all!


    Long time since we’ve had good news, so wanted to share. There is hope. Charlie, age 52 dx with cc end of May 07. Gemzar 14 weeks. 2nd opinion at UNC, surgeon interested in case, performed laparoscopy, going for embolization soon and then hopefully removal of his bad lobe that’s full of tumors. They think the other lobe is clear. We pray we’re not getting ahead of ourselves here because we’ve learned that it’s day to day dealing with this cancer, but we’re allowing ourselves to see a glimmer of light.

    My heart just breaks for all those affected by this disease. Lost my Mom when I was 17 from liver cancer. Our daughter is 19 and son is 16. Son Ben is so close to his Dad and has a football game every Fri. night that Dad needs to be at. Football is one of Charlie’s favorite things in the world. Daughter Sarah needs Dad to walk her down the aisle in a few years…

    Praying for all,

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