Hi everyone,
My mom is currently scheduled for a port placement on 1/6 so that she can start her chemo on FOLFIRI next week.
But I’ve been looking into clinical trials and came across one for Cabozantinib (XL-184) Monotherapy at Mass General. It’s a drug trial. I talked to the investigating doctor’s (Dr. Zhu) office, and my mom can get a consultation appt on 1/10. What do you think about holding off chemo for another week until we have the appointment with Dr. Zhu? I emailed Dr. Javle and he said that he’s seen favorable responses for FOLFIRI. And of course, my mom’s doctors at MSKCC are both recommending it. I emailed Dr. Kaheleh who’s also doing a clinical trial on photodynamic therapy at Cornell Medical college, but I think he needs to see all my mom’s records first before making an assessment. So the question is, is it prudent to hold off on FOLFIRI in search of something else, even if that something else ends up in the long run being FOLFIRI?
Here’s the link for the clinical trial for the new drug: