Hi Karen;
When I had my resection I knew they were taking 65% of my liver and a metastasis on my colon. I went in thinking I was having a bowel resection also but it ended up I didnt need it. He was able to lift it out because it turned out it wasnt attached to the bowel. During the surgery they found another met near duodenum and took it out along with my gall bladder. I dont remember them telling me about the gall bladder before but I may not remember. I was just so grateful that he was willing to do the surgery since I was told I was inoperable 7 months before. (Had an open and close surgery) This time I didnt care what they took out as long as it might help although we never discussed it. As far as the questions the main ones I think of are what they are planning to do, risks, recovery and what to generally expect. I’m not sure if this helps but if there is anything else I can do just ask. I will keep you both in my prayers. God Bless,