Radio Show Living with Cancer

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    This week’s show theme is “Things not to Say to a Cancer Patient” and will air on 12/15 @ 12:30 PM. For any of you inclined to call in, the number is 610-664-4100. The show has listeners across the country and at least one I know in Peru!!


    I listened to the radio show and also posted the link on my Facebook wall because prevention and early detection of all cancers are so very important!

    Here’s to hoping that everyone listens to this and takes heed and get’s all those preventative exams that are important for all of us to have each year!



    Missy…..I also am saddened to hear of Kevin’s passing. My heart goes out to you and the children in this difficult time.

    You have much on your plate, dear Missy please; make sure to take care of yourself also.

    I applaud you for support for Kim and her radio show. What a fantastic team you are.
    Hugs and all my best wishes,


    Missy, I know of you through my friendship with Kim, and was so saddened to hear of Kevin’s passing. Words are just not adequate at times like this. I saw the picture you put up on FB of three of your handsome youngsters. Very special indeed. And you are a very special young lady. Bless you.


    Hi everyone, I’m so proud of Kim and all of you! Last yr I found this web page and Kim helped me find Dr. Kato, although too late for my husband Kevin who passed away Nov 8, 2011. It is so very important for all of us to help others. I have never felt so alone when it came to finding hope or help with Kevins treatment. I don’t want any one to ever have to deal with such hell as we did. I will be helping Kim and Denise with whatever I can. Cholangiocarinoma can kiss my ass! I’m a fighter and will be here for who ever needs me especially young moms. I have 6 kids 3 businesses and no husband so girls I am here to help with your pain because I live it every day.
    Love to All


    Thanks much, Jim. I won’t miss this for anything.


    12/8 show’s theme is diagnosis and prevention. The following is a repeat of how to listen from anywhere there’s internet:

    Listen to Let’s Talk Cancer with Kim and Denise over the internet from anywhere

    1. Go to
    2. If it’s 12:30 PM, you may listen live by clicking on “listen now” just below the ON AIR sign OR
    3. Scroll down to Thursday programming and Let’s Talk Cancer
    4. You may select the ‘>’ to listen or download to download and listen at any time convenient to you.. Download is available about 6 to 8 hours after each live broadcast.

    The show airs every Thursday at 12:30 PM. The Xmas show will feature a guest who’s a regular contributor!


    The first program aired today and was very well done, had a few callers, and I think will be very successful over time. Anyone interested in hearing the show can go to the station website < >, scroll down to Let’s Talk Cancer, and select ‘download’. The download format is mp3, so almost any media player software will play it. The show will air every Thursday at 12::30 PM. I think Kim has hit a home run with this!

    There are a number of regular posters from this website who were listening today or whom have downloaded the program! The Cholangiocarinoma Foundation even got a mention when one of the site members called in, since that’s how many of us have ‘met’.


    The show, “Let’s Talk Cancer” goes live on the air just one week from today. The girls (Kim and Denise) have some sponsors lined up and also have some contributions. They definitely need more of both.

    They’ve been invited Monday 11/28 @ 12 noon to a financial advice program on the same station for some air time promoting their new show. The host apparently was touched by the girls enthusiasm and she has some cancer connections (as do most people).

    Kim has most of the first program scripted, since they may not get a high volume of callers initially. The station is really excited and expects the girls may get a TV slot soon. This is starting to get a life of its own. The station has been really great and will make provisions for Kim to handle her part from home, should she not be well enough to make it to the station’s studio.


    Press release. Note the program has had a name change.


    The show contract will be signed Mon 11/14 and will need donations until enough advertisers are lined up. Air time will cost $150/half hour and a an anonymous donor has covered the first show slated for 12/1 @ 12:30 PM. Right now, contact Denise Ciliberti-Sosalski on Facebook for either donations or ad placement. There is also more info on a public FB page “Kim’s Krusaders” about the show. Denise may be messaged via Kim’s Krusaders as well. Anyone having any problems with this or needing more info, email me through this website. Our Kim is really excited.

    Donations may be sent to Denise @ 9158 Academy Rd. Philadelphia Pa 19114, and made out to Denise or Kim Cirucci.

    I’m not aware of anything like this on the radio, and the station is very enthusiastic!

    Facebook link to Kim’s Krusaders:
    Looking for more people to join, donate and/or place ads! Kim needs all the support we can muster.


    Jim…thank you for elaborating on and providing the current and upcoming information for this radio show.
    I believe, like you, that Kim will do a fantastic job.
    All my best wishes,


    Marion, thanks for posting about my friend Kim’s upcoming radio show. I will post more details once the station gets a press release done. The show will be more about cancer issues, than Kim and her non-cancer patient co host Denise. There will be professionals to be interviewed, but the primary format is call in. The station’s website supports real time streaming as well as downloadable files on a per show basis. The station website is:

    Stand by for more info. Kim is really excited about this and she has all the attributes to make it a big success!


    Our Kim (kimcirucci) will have a call-in radio show starting 12/1/11. The theme is: Living with Cancer. It is not specifically geared to CC rather, it will talk about cancer in general and how cancer has affected her life (and yours.)

    It will air on Thurs afternoons 12:30-1:00 PM on WWDB talk radio, 860AM.

    Kim will address numerous subjects related to being touched by cancer either, as patient,
    friend, co-worker, child, father, etc.

    Kim expressed that many people simply do not know what to say to her. They stumble, feel awkward, and in some instance avoid her so not to have to address her.

    And this is where I thought you come in:

    Would you be interested in sharing your thoughts? If so, then the two following threads will address the same question but, with two separate categories.

    Thanks everyone,

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