Results of Recent CT Scan Not Good

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    Dearest Mary, I am so sorry to hear what you are now going through. YES! I rather see you make a Journey to Key West than mapping out a Journey through CC! Key West is amazingly beautiful. You don’t need anything but a pair of shorts, a Tee and some sandals. People in KW are sooo friendly and the bars are a hoot even if you stick to water. Way to go girl. I have a feeling that Gem/CIS is going to be good for you as it has been good for many others. In fact it is much the Cocktail of choice. Like you tell everyone Peace, I know you will find a special peace in KW. When is your trip? Best of luck on everything, you are such a special lady!


    I had a CT scan on Wednesday, 11/6/13 and received the results on Friday, 11/8/13 but wasn’t ready to post until today.

    I’ve been having some issues so they moved my CT scan up from December to last week and it was not good news. All my tumors have grown significantly and there are two new ones – one in my abdomen and one in my liver. The new ones are small. I was on Paclitaxel but they stopped it since it wasn’t working. Unfortunately, it seems the five SBRT treatments I received in May didn’t help at all either. I am now on gemcitabine and cisplatin – started on Friday, 11/8. I’ve had gem before but not in combo with cisplatin so I’m hoping the combo will help shrink the tumors. There’s a lot of other stuff going on but my onc says she is not giving up on me and has another treatment if this doesn’t work. All in all I’m doing ok and don’t look as sick as they say I am. My main issue right now is constipation which I’ve been dealing with for about a month. Seemed to have gotten it under control but then after the gem and cisplatin on Friday it started up again. I’m taking milk of magnesia and Colace and did have some relief today so maybe it’s starting to work.

    This news was very difficult to hear but I’ve decided to stay positive and hope for the gem/cis to help shrink the tumors. I also planned a trip to Florida to visit family and then spend a few days in Key West. I’ve never been there before and have always wanted to go. I feel like it’s something to look forward to and help me get by the tough days.

    Thanks for listening.

    Peace & Love,

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