Starting new chemo.

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    Thank you for all of your advice and words of wisdom. I love you all so much and could never get through all of this without you. You give me strength to go on and help Lauren in any way I can. Bless each and every one of you.

    Love and hugs,



    Pam… I want to believe that the treatment has slowed down some of the cancerous lesions in Lauren’s liver and that the Oxaliplatin & Xeloda will take care of the rest. And for us – please don’t give it a second thought – this is about Lauren, you, and your entire family. You do not need the added stress of keeping us informed. You must know that we are here to support you – always – and that we are thrilled to hear from you whenever you are ready to do so. Know that a tidal wave of love and good wishes are heading your way.


    Pam and Lauren,

    Sorry to hear your news was not what you expected. I am praying that it is not even a tumor but if it is, that the new chemo kicks it’s ass!! I know it’s hard to cope with so much information and some non-information, but hang in there. If there is anyone who can tackle this new curve ball it’s Lauren with the help of you and her loving family.



    PAm and Lauren,
    I was on Xeloda for 5 weeks and was overcome with tiredness, some days I would sleep 16 hours, but I felt that whilst sleeping my body could concentrate on healing. I took high calorie food supplements to ensure I wa getting sufficient energy to cope. I hope the new treatment works well for Lauren. God bless xx



    Pam, hoping Lauren doesn’t have any of these nasty side effects. So encouraged by what Kris has posted. Here is to those tumors being kicked in the ….. Stay strong! We all care for you all! Pam.


    Pam -I did Xeloda for 6 months (8 pills twice a day) and had no side effects. Pam, my family also discouraged this site when we were fighting, but people just don’t understand how even the bad news makes you feel so not alone. I have posted many times the one thing cancer taught me was “until you walk a mile in there shoes”!!
    Lots of prayers for Lauren-Cathy


    Arrrrrgh! I have been on Oxaliplatin & Xeloda since February of this year. Honestly, I have not had any of these horrible side effects that all of you are speaking about. A little tingling in the fingers, mouth and lips for 2 out of the 3 weeks is usually it. I must be the exception to the rule? Hang in there Pamela, I believe Lauren will do great!



    Pam and Lauren:
    I’ve been on both. Wen I was on oxaliplatin I only had the tumor and an enlarged lymph node that they weren’t too concerned about. The oxy kicked the $%^^ out of the tumor and the lymph node shrunk down to normal size. It does cause neuropathy, tho, and I am finally feeling my feet to almost the balls of my feet. My heels have feeling back in them. It’s like they are asleep and tingly. Hard to feel stuff. So you have to watch for cuts, etc. But it beats the alternative. It also made me nauseous for a day or 2. And I had to wear gloves to go in the fridge.
    Sorry, Lauren, but you’re going to have to learn to drink room temperature drinks a few days after treatment!!
    And the Xeloda caused hand/foot syndrome. That is kinda painful, red and the hands and feet can peel. I used Eucerin with Urea constantly. Slathered it on and mostly kept it under control. The tumor didn’t like the Xeloda either.
    I think what they are doing is a very aggressive treatment option.
    I’ve been praying that you got good news, and am sorry that it was not…. I pray that the tumors get clobbered by the oxy and the xeloda. They attack different cell structured tumors so I’m thinking it’s a smart move.
    Oh, and if your insurance has a high copay for Xeloda, call Genentech. They will help you with the copays.
    Love and hugs,


    Pam and Lauren, Not the news we wanted but I know if I was CC I would be afraid of your dynamic duo as well. Please try to keep up with your attitude of hope and positive thoughts. We are all cheering for you, you know that!



    So so sorry to hear this news but Lauren is young and that is a big plus and she sounds like such a strong and positive person. I have just finished 5 cycles of Xeloda plus 3 other chemo meds…I can tell you I had no side effects from the Xeloda I did experience hand/foot syndrome but I’m not sure if it was from the the Xeloda or the Nexavar it is listed as side effects for both. I will tell you though that you will want to get out ahead of it…my feet and hands turned red…got rock hard on the soles then cracked and peeled it made it very painful to walk for a few days. I was sent from Nexavar a cream that contains Urea and socks that were all cotton and very padded. They both made me a little more comfortable. Slap that cream on every chance she gets it will help. Good news is the pain was usually gone in about 2-3 days and I was only left with the peeling. I hope this new chemo zaps those tumors and that in time Lauren will be able to have that resection! Praying for you and Lauren.



    I’m very sorry to hear this. I figured when you didn’t post right away, that it wasn’t good news. They probably can’t say for 100% sure it’s a tumor without a biopsy. I think that’s what your Dr meant by that.

    I have never had Oxaliplatin but I know it can cause neuropathy. I took Xeloda during radiation and I did not have side effects. I was really nauseated at that time, but I believe that was from radiation. As I’m sure you’ve read on here, Xeloda can cause hand/foot syndrome so make sure she puts lots of lotion on. My Xeloda kit came with lotion.
    Make sure the nurse review side effects with you. They should do this any time a new chemo is started.

    Hang in there. I know this is not the news you hoped for. Praying this new chemo works wonders.

    Keep us posted.



    Sorry I haven’t updated on Lauren for awhile. I needed a mini break from this site. My husband thinks I get too depressed reading things every day. I like to know what is going on with everybody and have peeked in most days. Lauren’s Oncologist called last Thurs. and said the MRI is being interpreted that there is indeed a new tumor and he wants to start a new chemo. I asked him so many questions, he didn’t know what hit him. He still did not say definitely that the tumor was in fact 100% a tumor. All evidence points that it is. What the heck does that mean? He needed to get the consensus of all Lauren’s other doctors too. Anyway, she has been on her current chemo since the beginning of last Sept., so it is time to move on. I will be sure to get a copy of the MRI report. She will be starting on Wed. with Oxaliplatin and Xeloda. I asked him why switch to Xeloda when she has been on 5FU and it is basically the same thing. He said she would only get Oxaliplatin once every three weeks and take Xeloda for 14 days. If she was on 5FU and Oxaliplatin, she would need to do it every two weeks. So we won’t have to travel as much. I said I didn’t care about that. I just want what will work best for Lauren. He seemed to think that this combo will work best. We were all super upset about the news at first. We had so hoped that the Theraspheres had killed all the tumors and she could have a resection. But, as I see with everyone else, nothing goes as planned. We are not giving up hope and will continue the fight. This cancer is very stubborn, but ask anyone. We are more stubborn. Sorry, I can’t tell you more specifics, but I am just as confused as the rest of you. If any of you have any info, experiences, or tips for her new chemo, good or bad, please post it here for us. Thanks for your message on Facebook, Cindy. You are such a strong person and I admire your go with the flow attitude. Well, another long car ride tomorrow. At least we can come home on the same day because Lauren’s chemo will only be around 2 hours. Yay for that. Take care everyone and thanks for all your love and support.


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