Successful Surgery

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  • #38503

    Well done to you and your brother for sticking the course by reducing the tumour to allow for the successful operation.

    Nice one………………………………….Gerry


    Congrats!! Great news is always wonderful to read. Continued good recovery for your brother!


    Brian– Your good news about your brother gives me hope as well. My tumor has been shrinking, as well (not as much as your brother’s!), but finding a surgeon who’s willing to take the risk and “dive In” may prove to be an equally challenging task. Very cautious, medically conservative docs “round here.”

    A thought for you is to get all the anti-metastatic supplements into your brother’s system right away-it might be quite important. Life Extension Foundation published a research article giving their recommendations for post-surgical supplementation just a few months ago.

    Congratulations to you and your brother on staying the course, finding the surgeon, and bravely getting it out. God bless you all in receiving and sharing your blessings with those of us needing your encouragement. I hope to hear more news on your brother’s progress. It just means so very much.



    What wonderful news of shrinkage! and then surgery. Gives hope to us all when we hear success stories like this. I’ll be praying for his speedy recovery and cancer free status.

    One thing for him to consider in addition to chemo after recovery is also radiation. It is a decision for each to make, but one that should be considered and looked into. I am an advocate for as much as you can for prevention (if tolerated and possible). Just another thing to think about.

    Best of wishes to all the family.

    Linda Z.


    Hi Brian,

    That is brilliant news about your brothers tumour shrinkage that has led to surgery and thank you so much for sharing it with us all! And I am very happy also to hear that they think they got it all, fingers crossed that they did and here’s hoping for a speedy recovery!

    My best wishes to you and your brother,



    Great news. I love it when people who are told no to surgery have surgery after chemo. It gives so much hope.

    Wishing your brother a great recovery and cancer freeness for good.



    Brian….congratulations. We love to see shrinkage of the tumor leading to a resection. I am happy right along with you.
    Best wishes for a quick recovery.


    Brian that is wonderful, fantastically awesome news! We hope he continues with a speedy recovery. Thank you so much for sharing this good news with all of us. Much success to him and he is lucky to have you as a brother!


    It’s been a while since I checked in, but my brother recently completed his fifth round of Gemzar + Cisplatin. The tumor was down to about 60% of its original area, when he found a doctor at UPMC in Pittsburgh that would operate. His surgery was last Friday.

    It took almost 9 hours, but he came through with flying colors. The pathology report came back today and reported negative clearances (i.e. the they think they got the whole tumor).

    He still has weeks of recovery and probably some more chemo, but we are feeling happy for now. I was really happy to hear the stories of long term survivors. I hope and pray that my brother will get to join those ranks.

    Thanks for to everyone for their support over the last 6 months.


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