Surgery didn’t happen

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    I am so sorry for all you have been through but I am thrilled to see the word Hope and hear of doctors that don’t give up. Sending hugs and prayers.


    Ha, Ha, Kris, good one. How about Italian for Devil? Diavolo or Demonio. The only problem is no one wants a ticket to ride!


    I think it’s called the bastido!! :)
    Good to hear hopeful news. And you are allowed to break down. Just make sure to remember to get back up and dust yourself off…


    Thanks yeah I think I’m going to name this roller coaster!!! LOL


    Great news! This journey really is a roller coaster and i am glad you are on top again!



    Wow – what a turn of events. This is good news to read Heather.



    This is great news Heather!! Thanks for letting us know about the meeting with Dr Javle and yes, there certainly is hope! Everything will be crossed for Gordon’s chemo and remember to keep us updated on everything!




    Dear HOPE, I mean Heather, the roller coaster is again on an upward ride! That is such good news to follow a devastating day. Teddy had radiation and his only reaction was fatigue. These ONCs are something else and really what better news than treatments are available. Can’t wait to here what they come up with. I just know you will keep us posted. Try to relax over the weekend, you both certainly deserve it! Big cyber hugs coming at you both!


    That is awesome news, Heather. Congratulations! Having a breakdown is expected I have had a few of those, too. Also remember that there are new medical breakthroughs and treatments everyday….tomorrow may hold the answer!



    And thank you guys for listening and encouraging!!

    Yall are the best!!


    Well guess what!!!

    We had visits with both doctors. surgeon and Dr. Javle. The liver will improve, the tumor did not spread, the biggest concern is infections. So Gordon will start a new regimin of chemo. I will have to get back with you about what the are using, it will include an antibody and its very new so were not sure if it will get approved. (the antibody one)The tumor needs to shrink, no infections and there is no doubt in the surgeons mind that he will for sure have the surgery. He might need radiation but it will just be one day at a time. We had great visits!! these doctors don’t give up at MD Anderson. I totally broke down while in the surgeons office today.

    We have hope again… Even if Gordon does not have the surgery, we were reassured that people can live a long time with the tumor being controlled.


    Dear Heather,

    I am so sorry to read that the surgery was halted – no wonder you feel devastated and harvest many questions. My sisters resection in December was halted after 2 hours due to her tumour being more advanced than imaging had shown. It’s devastating news to take in and I’m glad that you will be sitting own with your husbands doctor and going through it all.

    Dig deep and use the forum for as much support as you need.



    Dear Heather,

    I am really sorry to hear this news from you about Gordon’s surgery. Like the others have said to you, unfortunately this happens sometimes with surgery in that they have to be stopped after starting. I know that you are distraught and this is a big blow to you both, but please do not give up hope here. Please stay strong. I hope that you will get some better news from Dr Javle and the surgeon as well when you have your apps with them. Please know as well that we are all here for you and will help in any way that we can.




    Heather, sorry about the surgery. Try to focus on knowing Dr. Javle is at the top of the CC game and is apparently not a quitter, and a very kind and patient doctor. He has been there for so many of our CC family. Your family all needs to have a mini conference before doctor visit and get all your questions and concerns on paper so you don’t miss any questions and all the information Dr. Javle can share with you.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE for Gordon-Cathy


    i’m so sorry heather.

    i cannot even imagine how devastated you must be.

    hopefully you get all the answers you need when you meet with
    the drs. Smart of you to bring others in …i always seem to freeze
    up and forget what i wanted to ask when i go.


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