Surgery didn’t happen

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    Hi Heather,

    So sorry to read about the aborted surgery. Hopefully you will get some answers soon and be able to gear up for the next fight. Please keep us posted when you learn more. we are here for you!



    Heather….I too am sorry to hear of what has happened. Setbacks such as these are difficult to digest. Although, not the news you had expected to hear there are some options laid out to you. Radiation treatments of various kind have proven to be successful for others hence, Gordon may very well benefit also. Although, you will have this confirmed by the doctor, no seeding simply means that the cancer has not metastasized. Hang in there, dear Heather, too much is still to be determined. Please know that we will be awaiting your next posting and that tons of hugs are heading your way.


    Heather, I am so very sorry about the aborted surgery. Its true they just don’t really know until they go in and see with their own eyes. Ditto to what the others said but I am happy you will have the support with you of other family members. Try not to jump to conclusions until you hear the full report. Sounds like we may all have to go to Medical school to learn what the Docs are telling us. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have! Sure wish I could take this all away from you.


    Heather, I am so sorry to hear this. I know how hard it is to have surgery be taken away. Ask lots of questions, but be assured there have been many advancements… It’s been 1.5 years since my surgery was cancelled at the last minute.
    Keep a positive attitude and get all the answers you can!


    It’s great that you have a good support system. That is as important as anything. And going in a group to see the doc together is great because everyone will pick up something different and different questions may come up. You may want to write a list of must answer questions so you get all the questions asked….it’s easy to get off track. And if you don’t understand what they tell you ask for it in plain English (docs throw medical terms around like crazy).
    Good luck and keep us posted.



    yes we will!! My sister and his Dad will be in the appointment tomorrow. That is exactly what they did, put a scope in there. Gordons tumor is 8 cm and the other side of the liver is damaged so it very scary, the unknown…but my father in law is not leaving until all his questions get answered and ironcally he had the sameones i do!! I am blessed with an amazing family.


    Heather –
    So sorry they were not able to do the resection. I know when my husband was scheduled for his resection they warned us up front that they would not know what they were getting into until they got in there. They attempted to do a Laprosopic check of the tumor first then would proceed only if they thought they could get it all….there was concern that his was wrapped around the artery and vein (he had hilar CC).

    Ask lots of questions and read the surgical report (have someone interpret if needed). I know they can take quite a bit of the liver and it will regrow so ask, ask, ask and keep pushing for explanations and options.



    We have an appointment with Dr. javle tomorrow afternoon and the surgeon on Friday so hopefuly I will come alot more info I was just wondering if anyone knew anything or has experenced this…



    May be the best way to handle this is to wait a couple days,and go to the medical records dept, to get the surgical report to truly understand what is it all about with regard to the doctor ‘s comment.
    That way you can know exactly what the doctor means and what is the ” damage “means . After that, then to see whether RFA,IRE,CRYOABLATION, and TACE , radioembo will be useful.
    God bless.


    I just thought I would update everyone and get some advise.

    Gordon was supposed to have surgery yesterday August 20th but two hours into it they had to stop. The did a scope first and noticed the “good” part of his liver was very damaged. They said it was due to all the infections and the chemo!! I was so floored! I expecting for him to tell me it had spread or that he would get through but have complications! Not this!

    Im beyond distraught! So can anyone tell me anything about this, has anyone heard of this? is this really bad? Do I just have a short time with my husband?

    It is a huge tumor and and has gotten into the diaphram but hasnt seeded? What does that mean. The dr mentioned radiation may be the best thing but is it worth it?? Yes a lot of questions…………so upset :(

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