Teddy Update

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    Thinking and praying for you both tonight Lainy… I hope the morphine works well for Teddy and the valium is not needed. Lots of love coming your way from all over the world, I hope you can feel it surround you both.



    Wishing you both the peace and comfort you deserve.

    Teddy has done a remarkable amount for all cc sufferers and touched so many lives.


    Dear Lainy,

    As always you and Teddy are in my thoughts and prayers xx


    Hospice Nurse came today to meet Mr. Morphine! She wanted to show us how to use it. It is an eye dropper and you take 5mg – 10mg under the tongue. He will not be having a pain pump. The 5 – 10 dose is every hour. I asked her how he is doing and she said he is sliding rather quickly. I needed to know so I could advise his kids and out of town relatives.
    Hanging in, holding on, have not used any valium yet. At this point I feel it would be selfish of me to want his life prolonged. He has fought uphill for 5 years and he needs some peace. I have been making comfort foods for him and he is eating less than half of what he used to, not snacking and has lost 12 Lbs in the last 3 weeks. No hospital bed yet, I imagine within the next 2 weeks that may happen. That is my update and hoping you are all doing good!

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