Hi All,
I introduced myself a couple of months ago and shared that the peri hilar tumor was non resectable and I was declining chemo to stay healthy as long as possible. Several of you wrote back urging me not to take non resectable as an answer. I was touched but pretty well convinced that I had solid, credible “non resectable” status. Then I was poking around the CCA site and listened to a webenair by Dr. Kato from Columbia Pres in NYC. Long story short, my husband and I met with dr. Kato this morning and he said he didn’t know why we wouldn’t operate. We are tentatively scheduled for resection on April 9, pending a PET Scan to check for mets.
I just wanted to thank each of you for being there and giving me the nudge not to give up even after three opinions! I will keep you posted as we move towards surgery! : )
Many thanks,