The journey starts

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! The journey starts

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    Hi Tom,

    I hope the meeting with the onc brings you some good news and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Best wishes



    Sorry to hear the results of your Bilirubin. My husband Tom’s bilirubin was up to 24.7 and results from this weeks blood work, it’s now down to 22.7 and his tumor markers are coming down also. I will keep you in my prayers. My Tom is having radiation for his inoperable CC tumor, no chemo as of yet until they can get a stent into the bile duct where the tumor is. Radiation seems to be doing the trick to shrink his tumor. Have you discussed radiation with your docs?

    Go with God and Keep KICKIN that cancer



    More bumps in the road. Met with onc after Christmas for labwork and discovered my bilirubin was 9.8. A CT Scan done last Friday and show some growth in the tumor. I met with the surgeon yesterday. The result of that was a ERCP done this morning. I’s still not sure when to start chemo. I have an appt with onc this coming monday.



    One of the things mentioned to my Mom during her treatment was to find the Biotene line of mouthwash and toothpaste. We found it at CVS, RITE AID, Walgreens and Harris Teeter.

    It reallly made a difference!

    Keep on keeping on!



    Good Luck, Tom!!!! I’m thinking of you!!



    Charlotte poster here! My Dad met with Dr. Iannitti. i was impressed, ultimately my father chose not to pursue treatment, but I felt like if it could be operated on, they would do it.


    BriansWife- I am being treated at CMC in Charlotte. They have an excellent group of surgeons. I found it interesting that not just the surgeon that did the patching, but also his partners came by to check up on me. Dr. David Iannitti is the surgeon that worked on me. Excellent job. I’ve had the staples removed and have not had any pain at all. Everything seems to be healing good. Hicups cause the most pain, but very minimal. I didn’t realize that you could stop a hiccup in midcycle.

    I’m now trying to get my weight under control. I lost 17 lbs. while on Chemo and another 10 while in the hospital.

    Next step will be to find out when my Chemo will start up again. Right now, I think my blood counts will be near the lowest due to the last Chemo.

    My Onc said probably restart after the holidays. I will meet with Onc after Christmas. It’s kinda tough getting appts during the holidays.


    Tom – My husband and I are from Columbia, SC. Where are you being treated?


    Tom….You must feel much better now being in your own surroundings. I am wishing for a speedy recovery from the unforeseen side effect of the hole in the intestine something that is a first reported on this board. Get better real soon.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Tom, we are sorry to hear about your “detour” as that means some rough roads you have just traveled. But it sounds like you are on a smoother path again and at least they know what they are doing and got to the hole in the pavement immediately. It feels good just to be home, yes? Wishing you a good Christmas with family and lots of love around the table!


    My journey took a big detour last week. Two days after my chemo, I had my wife call 911 due to severe stomach pain. After a CT Scan, I found out I had a hole in my upper intestine. After patching that and a couple days in ICU and 5 days in hospital, I’m home in my own bed and not getting stuck with needles eery 4 hours. The problem they had is chemo destroys the fast growing cells and for the surgery to heal I need the fast growing cells. The plan now is to let me heal over the holidays and revisit the chemo. They are thinking that some of the steriods in the meds I have been taking with the chemo could have had some effect on the intestine.


    I hope it all goes well Tom and enjoy the cake!

    Best wishes



    That’s all good news, Tom. Sounds like you have it all going like a well oiled machine. Keep up the good work and enjoy the cake!


    As i write this, I’m all hooked up getting my treatment. Just finished 1000mg of sodium choloride to flush my kidney. Now taking on the anti nausea premeds. Then comes the Cisplatin, followed by more flushing then the Gemzar. Another long day. I just notice one of the other patients just came in carrying a big cake. Must be someones birthday. We may be singing happy birthday and eating cake in a couple hours.
    Evidently last week must have been my low blood week. Thinking back, when I blew my nose in the morning, I had some blood. I also had a small rash. This week, no blood in the morning and the rash is gone. I just reviewed my blood report from yesterday and everything is normal.
    I don’t think they slow down over the holidays for infusion. I’m currently scheduled for my 3rd cycle to begin on the Tuesday after Christmas. That is unless they schedule me for the Sir-Sphere. Then I will be off chemo for 2 weeks before the radiation begins.
    All of the folks here are so helpful. Constantly asking if we need blanket, pillow, drink.
    I’m also fortunate in that my Onc is next door. The Onc nurse usually comes over to check on me.


    Hello Tom & Tom!!

    Tom F: Good Luck with your chemo today – I’ll let you know how my sis gets on tomorrow. She had her blood test yesterday, so I hope her bloods are okay. The Onc did say yesterday that she’ll have to have her treatment pushed back a week because they aren’t seeing patients between Christmas & New Year & they can’t start her next chemo cycle (which was due to start on the 30th) until she’s had her next Onc visit (which now won’t be until the 4th). The Onc said there’s absolutely no problem about the delay & she should just treat it as “an extra week’s holiday”. Hopefully, you won’t be delayed either but, if you are, they don’t seem to be unduly concerned about it.

    Tom from Denton: A big WELCOME & Good Luck with your continued treatment.


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