throwing up dark blood

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    Thank you all for your posts. Luckily we have family members who are doctors and nurses. I couldn’t understand why they weren’t worried at the facility where my mom was. My mom’s nose has been slightly bleeding last week. I guess this is because her platelets were low. Since her nose was bleeding that could also go down her throat which caused her to throw up. It wasn’t a large amount, but when it caches you off guard, a person would flip out. At least I know I did. Nothing else has happened since then.

    I appreciate all the responses so if this happens again, I can bring it up.

    Thank you PCL1029, I meant to ask the infusion nurses today what her numbers were for those tests. They are doing her blood again and I will make sure what those numbers are. I don’t know what those numbers mean. The Coumadin people did call my mom last week because they wanted to talk to her doctor about her getting off of it with in the next six months. However, her doctor told them no, she will be on it for life. This flipped my mom out because she thought the doctor was saying she wouldn’t be alive in 6 months…we had to calm her down about this.

    Again, thank you all for your advice.


    My husband vomited dark blood while in the hospital and they found esophageal varices that were seeping. These are very common with liver disease and can be very deadly if not treated. She needs to go to a Dr. right away that will check her out thoroughly. I’m sorry her Drs. are not more concerned and helpful. I’d find a new Dr.! Mary


    Dear mn, I would get your Mom to the Emgergency Room today. And then I would tell your doctor about the doctor who saw you and after that I would probably switch to a new Doctor. Best of luck.


    mn….I am very concerned. Your Mom appears to be very ill. It might be best to take her to a hospital. Please, stay in touch.


    If I may, can you tell us about the lab result.did you know or can you find out what is the result of the PT and INR value?Is the INR >7? I presume you know what INR is because you did mention she is on Coumadin;if so the normal INR should be between 2-3. Did that doctor tell your mom about stopping or continuing the Coumadin? or any other instruction for that matter.
    Just in case, if things getting worse go to ER and they will give your mom a complete work up better than just asking someone who did not seem to care.
    You can always report him(the bad doctor) to the hospital or complaint to your mom’s doctor when he/she is back on duty.
    God bless


    You all are more helpful than the doctors, so I come here.

    Today, when I took my mom to the doctors for her white blood cell shot, she got sick and threw up dark fluid. (Dark, looking like coffee grinds, I read is old blood). Her doctor was not in today, therefore, the nurse that was helping us went to go get a doctor. This dr. was not happy we were bothering him. However, they sent us down to the lab for blood work and when we came back up we were properly signed in and then he was more willing to see us. (Sorry, had to vent about the rude dr.)

    Anyway, they are going to give her another blood transfusion and platelets. To me this still doesn’t seem to answer the problem of why she threw up. She was very weak today and today was the first time she needed a wheel chair to get where she needed to be.

    Any suggestions on what I should talk to the dr. about. He didn’t seem too worried about her getting sick. That has me very worried, especially since she is on Kumaden, a medication for blood clots.

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