Time for my experience and help

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    Hello Carlos! It is so awesome to see you again and I am so happy that your Mother has done so well up to this point. No questions about what you posted but I do not agree with the GP as he is not an Oncologist. I would also call the ONC immediately and tell him what is going on. I believe that once anyone has any kind of Cancer but especially CC they should not take anything for granted. Please call him and please let us know what happens. But it is also good to see you here.


    Carlos….it is wonderful to hear from you. I would make an appointment with the oncologist as soon as possible in order to rule out ascities. You might also want to have your Mom take enzymes prior to her meals, but please ask physician first. Either way, I would not accept the answer from the GP without further investigating. Are you Mom’s ankles swollen also?
    Please keep us posted.


    Hello everyone, sorry for not updating but so far no news.

    As you know last summer(2012) my mother (78) knew that tumor was reproduced for the first time after surgery(30x30mm).Quickly taking Gemzar but earlier this year treatment stopped because the dodydefenses down .So, all this year is not taking any treatment. In recent CAT tumor is in the same size.The new scanner is scheduled for September.
    So far my mother has a completely normal life after nearly four years of resection.
    The issue is that for two weeks from now has begun to notice something swollen belly with some discomfort and a little more tired .This morning we went to GP doctor(about 1 hour) and he has been touching stomach, ankles and legs and asking different questions.. and finally told us don´t worry that they are stomach gases. I have to say tha this GP Doctor has all info from my mom Hospital history for the last 4 years.
    For this forum I had thought it might be ascites, can we be unconcerned with this answer? Any advice?

    Tahnks for your support;


    Carlos…….delay of treatments occurs often for various reasons; at this point I would not worry too much. Breaks from Chemotherapy are somewhat the norm. Others may chime in and help ease your worries.



    Sorry, Carlos, I cannot help with this but would suggest your call her Doctor. Can your Mom tell the Doctor to talk to you? Just a guess but perhaps her platelets were low. Someone in the family should really be assigned to get the same news that Mom gets. Best of luck on this.


    Hi everybody;

    Today the third round of quimiotherapy has been delayed until new appointment with the oncologist in 2 week due to they has checked something in the blood test. My mum doesn´t know explain me what nurse told her for the reason for the delay…any clue?

    I´m a litle bit worry for this.



    Thanks Julia.


    Hugs to you and your mum, Carlos. X


    PCL1029, Marions thanks.


    Carlos….I so much understand your Mom’s feelings of sadness of having her life altered by this cancer. My heart goes out to her. Please, tell her that we understand and support her.
    In regard to the heartburn, as Lainy has mentioned numerous medications are available to help ease the discomfort. Our Percy is a great resource for this.
    You might also want to ask your Mom to record the incidences of the heartburn occurrences as it may be related to certain foods especially, food high in fat content and/or other food difficult to digest. To aid the digestive system small meals taken intermittently throughout the day might prove to be beneficial. And, moving around (small walks) will help.
    As always, I would like to point out that the information received on this site must be brought to the attention of the physician.


    Just take it one day at a time.
    I think your oncologist did take your mom’s current health status into account and prescribed 6month of Gemzar for your mum. that is ok as far as keeping the cancer at bay and also provide a better quality of life treatment plan for your mom.I still don’t know the exact location of the 3x3cm tumor;but if it is the only tumor in the LIVER, unless the radiologist feel otherwise, I don’t see why chemoembo is not an option unless he/she has difficulty in reaching the hepatic artery. or the past portal vein reconstruction preclude the procedure.
    God bless.


    Thanks Lainy.


    Dear Carlos, thank you for the update on your Mother although I am so sorry to hear about the size of the tumor. She is a very strong woman for her age and you are a loving and strong son. Teddy used to get very tired and the ONC ordered Vitamin B12 shots once a month and they really did help. There are things the ONC can give her for heartburn. No need for her to suffer with anything. Yes, to take chemo or not is a really tough decision. You are sure entitled to feel sad now and then we have all been there. Have courage, be strong and please keep us updated on Mom.


    Hi to all of you;

    After firts appointment with the ocologist the decision has been Gemzar for 6 months. 30 minutes per week for 3 weeks and 1 week off.
    The new tumor is 30x30mm and is close to portal vein.

    Asking for interventional radiologist the answer has been that “it is not an option”.

    She says that in the last months she has sometimes heartburn and she gets tired quckly otherwise nothing else.

    today I’m really sad seeing my mother crying tell the doctor all the information about how is a normal day in his life before to take a decison about chemo.

    Thanks for your support.


    1. for surgery or interventional radiologisst purpose. I NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHERE THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE TUMOR.
    Usually it is on the CT scan report if you can quote i” word by word”
    so I can have more understanding about the location of the tumor.
    this is for the RFA,chemoembolization,IMRT or cyberknife or PDT–all of this are performed by the interventional radiologist and not by oncologist.they may even know about theses options.

    2. Chemotherapy is order by the oncologist.
    6month is not enough,I took gemzar for 18 month and the tumor still came back.
    God bless.

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