Time for my experience and help

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    In today’s meeting with the surgeon told us that the new tumor after 3 years with clear images is in a bad place for a second surgery and the best thing is to make an appointment with the oncologist next week.

    PCL1029,If I understood correctly, in this meeting we will have to address the following;

    -RFA or chemoembo or radioembolization
    -IMRT or cyberknife or PDT
    -chemotherapy(CAPOX, gem/CIS ¿?)

    My mom took just Gem after surgery 3 years ago for 6 months, 1 hour per week without any side effects.

    Thanks for your support;


    Thanks PCL1029.

    At the moment chemotherapy is for free in Spain.

    The last news is that Doctors want to do more tests(after CAT scan,endoscopy and PET scan), new blood test and another CAT scan exactly.

    I dont understand very well since one month ago my mom had a PET scan that I think it is more powerfull than CAT scan.

    The new appointement with the doctor is on August 30th for the results.

    ¿What should i be think?

    Thanks for your support once again;


    For chemotherapy , The relatively easy to take without major side effects is capecitabine+ oxaliplatin(CAPOX) . But make sure you understand I am only a patient like you mom and not a doctor. The recommendation should be discuss with your oncologist. But if gemcitabine and CISPLATIN will be prescribed by the oncologist, it will not hurt to ask for the pros and cons of both regimens . The CAPOX is less toxic to the kidney and the hearing function and less hematologic (blood cells) side effects than CISPLATIN ,but gem / CIS is the most commonly prescribed regimen for CCA. As a patient ,between the two, I will choose CAPOX for convenience (capecitabine) is taken by mouth and for the age factor of your mom; gem/cap is also a good choice as well as GEMOX . Doing nothing as you mentioned is not a good idea, for the tumor will keep on growing. Unless the chemotherapy is free and cost you nothing, otherwise my suggestion on the last message to you to go with RFA or IBRT may not be as expensive as you think when you add the cost of each chemotherapy together an d compare to RFA or IMRT one – 2 times treatment .
    God bless.


    Thanks for the answers.

    PCL1029, I don´t think in our hospital(public) can have these trataments, but I will ask. I´ve just read that a private hospital close to our city can have those treataments but it must be very expensive for us.

    Anyway, do you know a new chemo treatament would be the best option taking into account that she is in perfect health?At this moment I prefer do nothing…
    I’ve heard so many stories how the chemo actually made things more painful.

    What is your opinion?



    I think you should ask the following questions after the oncologist and doctors’ speaking to you at next meeting.
    1. If the tumor is only confined to the liver and no metastasis to other part of the body. ask the interventional radiologist the possibility of RFA or chemoembo or radioembolization. (for intrahepatic tumor)
    2. if the tumor is only confined in the bile duct and is <4cm; and nometastasis,
    ask the interventional radiologist whether IMRT oer cyberknife or PDT is an option.(this is for extrahepatic tumor)
    If your mom can qualify for either one of the above procedure,then it is much better for her in terms of side effects as compare to chemotherapy and the quality of life is much better than having chemo. 2nd opinion from an “interventional radiologist “is recommended before the start of chemotherapy.
    But if your mom’s cancer is spread or metastasized to other part of the body, then systemic chemotherapy and targeted agents will be the only logical choice.
    Again, i am only a patient and not a doctor. the final decision should be your mother’s and yours to make after concultation with the doctors.
    God bless.


    Hello, Carlos – it’s good to hear from you but I’m sorry to hear the cancer has reared its ugly head again.

    Sorry I can’t answer your question but I’ll be thinking of you and your mum and hope next week’s meeting goes well.

    Julia x


    Hi everybody again;

    After an endoscopy with biopsy and Pet scan in the last weeks, cancer has returned to my mom.

    Doctor told us that surgeon team will meet next week to take the best decision for my mom.According to him another surgery would not be an option…

    She is 77 years old and after 3 years form the surgery she is in perfect health without any symptom.

    What can we expect from the doctors decision next week?

    Regars to all of you;


    Gavin, Marion and all I will send all your support to my mum.



    Hi Carlos,

    A happy birthday to your mum from me as well! Get your mum the flowers and try and relax and enjoy this day with her.

    Best wishes,



    Carlos….The next CT scan will put things into perspective. It is too early to speculate at this point. Try to relax and enjoy your Mom’s Birthday.



    Marion, Lainy, Julia, thanks for your words.

    I guess they want to be sure about what CT Scan showed 3 weeks ago and for this reason endoscopy is usefull tool for future decisions.

    Doctor told her about another CT Scan in September 3 weeks ago, therefore today Doctor phone call to my mom has been a surprise.

    As you know my mom surgery remove half of the liver and gallbladder and portal vein reconstruccion. I suppose another surgery it would be not an option… and chemo…

    RIght now I am really confused.



    Happy Birthday to your mum, Carlos :) A great lady, with a great son.

    I hope the doctors can reassure her.

    Julia x


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your wonderful Mother! Mmmm flowers sound great to me.
    Sometimes the spots are so small they have to wait just a bit. Not sure what the waiting will do, everything and everyone is so different. I know we had a situtuation also where we had to wait a bit as the Radiologist and ONC just were not sure. Did he say why he wants to do the Endoscopy?


    Carlos…Happy Birthday to your sweet Mom. I will be thinking of her today.


    Hi again;

    Today by surprise Doctor told her for a endoscopy on June 20th wednesday.

    I have to say that today is my mom birthday, 77 years old, and she has remenbered weeks before to the surgery on 2009.She called me to give me the news crying.

    After leaving the factory where i work I’ll buy a bouquet of flowers …

    Thanks to all of you;

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