Discussion Board Forums General Discussion TO MY CHOLANGIO CARCINOMA FAMILY

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  • #94738


    After 12,593 messages of hope and inspiration to our community over the past ten years, you truly are someone who has made a difference in this world.

    With your own experiences of the hope, resourcefulness, grief and determination this disease brings to patients and caregivers, you manage to find just the right turn of phrase, reference to needed information, poetry and words of encouragement to lighten the burden and keep us moving down a good path.

    You will be greatly missed, but your remarkable contribution stays available on this board (thanks to the great search engine) for us and the next patients and caregivers to come. I hope your next endeavors bring you joy and comfort.

    I was so thrilled to meet you in SLC and hope our paths cross again.

    Best regards and thank you, Mary


    Thank you, Karen, and I will pop over once in a while. It was so good to meet you as well. I know that CC.ORG is in such good hands!



    What a blessing you have been to everyone throughout the years, and I for one will miss you VERY MUCH!!

    I’m so glad that I was able to meet you and Mel in SLC this year, and hope that you will pop in periodically and say hello!

    Much love,


    It is with a heavy heart and the deepest of feelings that I have to write this letter of resignation to you and the Cholangio Foundation (Board). I feel it is time for me to “retire” from the position of Moderator.

    After serving as a Moderator for 10 years it is time for me to cut back on some of my activities. It is not that I feel old at 77 but the last few years have really gotten to me physically and I am pulling way back and trying to find some comfort level.

    I know people keep thanking me but as I have said many times it has all been purely selfish. I have been privileged to meet on this site with the most wonderful people in the world. I have not only made many friends, I have gained a Grandson in Iraq, a best friend in Ohio, a Son in Dundee and most of all a wonderful Mentor….Marion! How lucky could I be?

    It seems to me a good thing when one knows it is time to pull back gracefully and I will have so many good memories forever. If you don’t mind I may be peeking in here and there just to see how everyone is coming along.

    I wish the very best for the Foundation and I just feel that one day we will all look back and remember that, no cure was a thing of the past.

    Please give my good wishes to all the brave warriors I feel so honored to have been among the best of the best.

    Lainy Sardina

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