Uncle just diagnosed in New York

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Uncle just diagnosed in New York

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    Ron and Lucille I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Schwartz and u r right they will e-mail back and quickly, they are also pretty good at returning phone calls. Thankfully I only had to call once after my surgery and my call was returned within the hour. It’s very comforting to know I’am in such good hands. Hats off to Dr. Schwartz and staff!


    nancy, thats another thing i love about these doctors..we e-mail them a question and they answer you,they actually answer you…you call a doctor here(i live in jersey to ) you get an answering machine saying everything except leave a message….no only cant you get in touch with the doctor they tell you massages are not taken on this line…call 911…well you know what these dotors can kiss…excuse me…..ron and lucille


    I too have to chime in on the wonderful Dr.Myron Schwartz at Mt. Sinai—I was told by another major NYC cancer center my intrahepatic CC had spread to my chest. I was not a candidate for surgery—-I had an internal stent placed after 3 attempts–I will always be grateful to Dr. George at MSKCC for his expertise and inserting the stent. However, I could not accept my prognosis I actually came on this website introduced myself and my angel Marc answered my post and suggested 2nd opinion by Dr. Schwartz. I had an appt with him within 3 days brought all of my scans and any relevant medical info with me. He reviewed all alf my scans came in my room took my hand and said I don’t think your cancer has spread, will u have a CT to confirm—-of course I ran down to radiology and had one. I received an e-mail from Dr. Schwartz that day I live in Jersey so he said he would review and let me know results and if we could proceed with surgery. After much pacing I ran up to the computer room and there was his e-mail as promised and yes he could operate and felt it would be a success. Last Jan 19 I had removal of right lobe,caudate lobe and resection. I had 6 month adjuvant chemo at Bruckner Oncology who Dr. Schwartz recommended. Next week I will celebrate my other birthday the day I was able to have surgery that has given me hope and confidence that I will do my best to beat this disease every day of my life and I will raise awareness so, much needed research can be done. Agreed the doctors, nurses, staff r all fantastic at Mt Sinai—but, Dr Schwartz he’s the man! It’s been 1 year and I have been cancer free I will have my next scan on Feb 4th and see my hero after that. Best of luck to u—You have found a wonderful website that will supply you with lots of info and support.


    dr. schwartz is my wifes doctor…i cannot say enough good things about him, his staff and mt. sinai hospital …….. the doctors and hospital are in a differant class by themselves…..insurance, no insurance they care only about treating the patient…..and everything you need for cc is all under one roof….the main thing is KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CC and how to treat it………here is his info…….good luck…….dr.myron schwartz……5 east 98 th. st. 12 th. floor…1-212-241- 2891…..parking one block away…….ron and lucille



    Sorry – this is my first time posting and I accidentally sent it out without adding that I hope all goes well for your uncle.



    Contact Dr. Myron Schwartz at Mount Sinai in Manhattan. He is phenomenal and, as I understand it, will often perform surgery when others will not. I have heard absolutely nothing but wonderful things about him and he is what one physician in NYC referred to as a “sub-specialist,” that is he has a great deal of experience with CC.


    Welcome Noreen,

    I’m a New Yorker and I had great experience with Long Island Jewish Hospital. It was for my stepfather’s lung cancer, not cc, but the doctors and staff and hospital itself were very caring and professional and took great care of my stepfather. Of course, Memorial Sloan Kettering, if it’s closer, is considered the best — but sometimes there’s more of a wait when the place has such a great reputation.

    Lots of love to you and your uncle,

    Joyce M.


    Hi Noreen,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry also to hear about your uncle. But I am glad that you joined us all as you will get a load fo support and help from us all. Whem my dads CC was diagnosed, it was also classed as inoperable due to the location of his tumour, too close to the portal artery so that ruled out surgery and he couldn’t have radiation either. My dad had a choice of treatments, PDT or chemo and he went with the PDT and hoped to follow that up with chemo down the line but couldn’t as it turned out.

    I agree with Lainy about seeking a further opinion should your uncle want to do this and I am sure that others here will be able to offer experiences of various doctors/treatment centres near you. I can’t help with this as I am from Scotland.

    Please let us know how your uncle does over the coming days and weeks and please keep coming back here. And also, if you have any questions at all then please ask away and we will all help if we can.

    My best wishes to you and your uncle,



    Hi Noreen – Yes, my son was diagnosed at age 29 and lived just about a year after the diagnosis. He was Stage 4 and knew there was not much of a chance for recovery. He chose to do some Clinical Trials, in the hope of something new or perhaps some benefit to future patients. It was a very difficult time for us. He was the kindest person I ever knew and we miss him every day. – Nancy


    Hello Noreen and welcome to our family. I would decide on chemo or no chemo after you hear what stage the CC is and also what will the Chemo do for him or not do. We advise going for a second opinion if you feel it is needed. Being a Caretaker here, is where I learned to practice “gut” medicine. My husband was told Chemo would not work for him and probably not radiation either. Each case is so completely different. Teddy had a drain in the beginning which they would change every 6 weeks and the drain worked beautifully to let the bile flow. The tinge of yellow hangs around a while but at least the bile is flowing. If you decide to go to a major Cancer center like SK or Mayo you will need to pick up all the test results and take them with you. Good luck on everything and please keep us posted, we care.


    I’m sorry to hear about your Uncle’s CC diagnosis. Radiation was not an option for my dad either, but I don’t recall why. There’s tons of different Chemo treatments available. I’m in CT so i’m not aware of much in the way of hospitals/cancer centers in NY, but i know that Yale New Haven has a great staff. Not sure if that’s too far to travel, but might be worth looking into.


    I’m so sorry to hear that. My dad died at 67 of cancer of the esophagus. Cancer is a horrile thing. We’ve all got to be thankful for every day we have.


    My Dad was 64 when he was diagnosed and died at almost 67. He developed many septic infections over the two years but was always able to bounce back after iv antiobiotics in the hospital. It is a horrible disease but he had a peaceful death with very little pain. He was at home with hospice. It was a very hard decision but he stopped chemo 8 months ago. He was so sick on the chemo that he couldn’t enjoy life and had to be in the hospital for chemo related side effects. He took a break and did so well off that he never went back on. My Dad was an amazing man.


    Thank you both for the quick replies, I really appreciate it. Nancy, you lost your son at 30? How heartbreaking. I’m so very sorry… Bettyanne, thanks for the info. How old was your dad when he was diagnosed?


    Bettyanne – We must have posted at almost the same time. I didn’t know Memorial Sloan Kettering had locations in Long Island. Good to know…..

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