Update on Ben

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on Ben

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    Tom….to”poop” has taken on a very important position on this site as has burping and flatulence. (Key words for us.) I am right there with you…let is happen for dear Ben.
    Our Kris and several others have had the bypass surgery with great results and that is why I believe that Ben will be up to eating some of his favorite foods real soon.
    I am glad that he is in the comfort of his own home and graced with the greatest caregiver imaginable.
    You guys are fantastic.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for letting us know about Ben. Thats great to hear that he is now home and that he is recovering well. And I know that you will be taking great care of him as well! And I love your “praying for poop” term!!

    My best wishes to you and Ben,



    Hi Tom, I love your new Prayer theme, why not? The one thing I cannot understand is that you can be so fierce (LOL) I would think that CC would be afraid to show its ugly head! I am wishing for a great recovery for Ben and you guys enjoy Thanksgiving!


    So, the next battle in the bigger war seems to be over. Ben was released from the hospital two days ago after his surgery to reroute his small intestine and bypass the blockage at the end of his stomach. He is recovering well – and the doctors say he can eat whatever he is hungry for (although his appetite hasn’t been so great). Of course this last turn of events has us anxious, and every discomfort in digestion has us wondering what else might be lurking out there (although the surgeon couldn’t see anything else in the immediate area. While I’m not at all religious – I have coined the new term “praying for poop”. (a sign that all is well)….how crazy is that?



    Tom….Only during open surgery can the physician observe the true extent of the disease as it so happened in Ben’s case. The gastrojejunostomy is a welcome reprieve for Ben as it allows him to eat, gain weight, and prepare for the next plan of attack. Sounds like he is recovering well and before you know it – home he will go.
    Hopefully both of you will be able to rest (you need some too)
    All my best wishes,


    Great new Tom! So happy to hear that Ben is recovering well from the surgery. Warm wishes and a speedy recovery.


    Thanks Tom for letting us know about Ben. Glad to hear that he made it through his surgery with no complications. I wish Ben a very speedy recovery indeed and thats great that he is sitting up in his chair already.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Dear Tom,

    I am very happy that Ben made it through surgery ok. I wish him a fast recovery. With you by his side, I’m sure he will.

    All my best wishes,


    Tom, wishing Ben the very best and a speedy recovery. With you watching over him so carefully, how can he miss! Did they say what they may do about the hard spot the doctor felt?


    I hope Ben has a quick recovery.


    Ben made it through his surgery yesterday with no complications. The surgeon said he couldn’t see any new growth in the areas that he could see, but he did “feel” the hardness of where the cancer is in his bile duct and where it’s constricting the stomach. The doctor said he did the open surgery to make sure he could assess and access everything (I think that’s what he said).

    Ben has already been sitting up in his chair and is expected to go on several walks today so it all sounds good for now. He is on the pain medication called dilaudid, morphine just doesn’t seem to have the same impact for him.

    Thanks everyone for your support.





    Best of luck with the surgery! Keep us posted.

    Take Care,



    Hi Tom,

    I’m sorry to hear this news about Ben, but I am glad that his doctors are able to do the surgery to deal with it. Got everything crossed here for Ben and tons of positive thoughts coming yours and Bens way. I hope that it all goes well and please let us know how it goes.

    My best wishes to you and Ben,



    you both will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers today and in the coming days.

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